The Australian National University


HDR Update


April 2019

In this issue

  • Campus wide HDR training calendar
  • News & Events
  • Opportunities for HDR students
  • Roll of Honour

Welcome note

As I write this, I’m counting the days until my departure and trying to finish off key tasks. What a lot of stuff I’ve accumulated over the last two and half years! Even if I apply the Marie Kondo principle to my decluttering regime, I find most of my things (and all my books) continue to ‘spark joy’. When the boxes are packed and I’m on the plane to Perth, I’ll enjoy reflecting on what a great time I’ve had at ANU, what an honour it’s been to act as Dean HDR. Given the talent, quality and supportiveness of my colleagues and HDR students, it will be a hard act to follow.  

Nonetheless I’m looking forward to a change of scenery, an empty inbox and getting to see what the HDR experience looks like at UWA (where I take up the role of Dean of the Graduate School).  Before I go, the White Paper on ‘Redefining the ANU PhD’ will have been submitted for approval. I hope it brings more welcome and positive changes in the future and I wish you the very best in all your endeavours.



Professor Imelda Whelehan

Professor Imelda Whelehan

Dean, Higher Degree Research





Upcoming programs




2 Advanced digital research workshop
2 Thesis Proposal Review (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
3 Word for academic writing: maintaining consistency in your thesis
3 Writing for Wikipedia with the Visual Editor – Day 1
4 Writing for Wikipedia: Beyond the Basics – Day 2
5 NVivo introduction ($90)
6 Saturday workshop: Word for academic writing Day 2
7 PARSA Playdate with Pirate Pete
9 EndNote workshop
9 Presenting your research
9 PARSA Global Cafe - Street Eats: A Taste of Southeast Asia
10 ANUHDR: Beyond Plan B, planning a post PhD career in an age of uncertainty.
10 ANUHDR: Managing your milestones
10 Word for academic writing: putting your thesis all together
10 Masterclass: Creating and Using Videos in your Teaching
11 Publishing with LaTeX Day 1 Introduction to the LaTeX world
12 NVivo advanced ($90)
15 Official Research Candidate Induction for new HDR candidates
16 Journal Article Writing  (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
17 ANUHDR: Storyboard your research, pitch with impact
17 ANUHDR: What Do Thesis Examiners Really Want?
18 Publishing with LaTeX Day 2 TeX authoring and collaborating
30 Working with data in Excel
30 Digital research workshop



1 EndNote workshop
2 Journal Article Writing (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
2 Research data management workshop
7 SPSS introduction
7 Advanced digital research workshop
8 Conference poster production using PowerPoint workshop
11 Saturday EndNote workshop
14 SPSS advanced significance testing
15 ANUHDR: Managing your milestones
16 EndNote workshop
21 Word for academic writing: formatting your document
22 NVivo introduction ($90)
22 ANUHDR: Storyboard your research, pitch with impact
22 ANUHDR: How to win the 3 Minute Thesis competition
28 Word for academic writing: maintaining consistency in your thesis
29 EndNote workshop
29 NVivo advanced ($90)
29 Write like a scholar (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
31 Write like a scholar (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)




Congratulations to our March Thesis Boot Campers, these legends wrote 413,814 words over the weekend. BIG thanks to PARSA for funding another successful camp.





HDR Supervision workshops and resources

The HDR Supervision team is offering a series of workshops to support HDR supervision development in 2019; view the program here. These complement programs offered by the Research Training Team and NECTAR; feel free to bring these to the attention of your supervisors. You can also review the online resources about good practice in HDR supervision, Supervising Doctoral Studies.


Graduate Research Office (GRO)

GRO is happy to announce that we will be temporarily relocating to Level 6, 121 Marcus Clarke Street from 9 April 2019.  This will be followed by a full and final relocation to Ground Floor, 121 Marcus Clarke Street in the second half of 2019. While this move may be temporary, we are excited to be able to offer a counter service for face to face student enquiries. After 9 April, GRO’s presence at Di Riddell Student Centre, Kambri, will be replaced by the counter service at Marcus Clarke Street. We look forward to meeting you in person.

The ANU is collecting Researcher end-user engagement data which is required by the Department of Education and Training. On 25 March 2019, every HDR student will have received an email with a unique link to a survey. Important information including frequently asked questions are included on the Research end-user engagement website. The form will be available to complete online until 15 April 2019.
Please contact GRO by email or telephone +61 2 6125 5777 if you have any questions. More information can be found here.


Statistical Consulting Unit

The Statistical Consulting Unit (SCU) is located in the Computer Science/Mathematical Sciences Institute building (#145). Consulting support is available, free of charge, to Honours students with research projects, Higher Degree Research students (e.g. Masters, PhD) and staff in all parts of the University. If you would like to make an appointment or to find out more about the SCU please visit our website here.


ANU Library

Build your Wikipedia know-how! Join us for two informal half-day workshops, develop your digital literacy skills, and get to know others in your ANU learning community: Day 1 Writing for Wikipedia with the Visual Editor; Day 2 Writing for Wikipedia: Beyond the Basics (includes a mini edit-a-thon).  No previous experience or knowledge of Wikipedia editing is required.

Manage and analyse qualitative data with NVivo – upcoming workshops are available on 5 and 12 April (cost $180).

Do you have special typesetting requirements, such as heavy use of mathematical notation? TeX is used in scientific and technical research fields and these LaTeX workshop introduce basic LaTeX usage with a focus on thesis and journal publications typesetting. Come along to obtain a LaTeX template adaptable for your own work, and to discuss collaboration, referencing and graphics software that can help produce documents that will impress your supervisors, reviewers and colleagues.

Navigating the sea of scholarly communications is an open access course designed to build the capabilities researchers need to navigate the scholarly communications and publishing world. Five self-paced modules are delivered by international and local experts/librarians. Topics covered include finding a best-fit publisher, predatory publishing, data citations, bibliometrics, open access, and online research identity.

Research data management workshop will teach you the essential skills for organising and managing research data. Learn about the importance of backups, version control, security, privacy, and data sharing, harnessing innovative and ethical methods. Associated data-related issues are explained, and methods for solving problems with software tools and ANU services are discussed.



News & links



Science, Health and Medicine HDR Career Development Framework

The HDR Career Development Framework was launched late 2018 to assist HDR students in the Joint Colleges of Science, Health and Medicine to develop, and get recognition for, a broad range of academic and work-relevant skills.

The framework covers four tracks (Research; Teaching and Learning; Policy and Governance; Industry and Innovation) with students needing to provide evidence of completion in at least two tracks. Activities (workshops, courses, MOOCs, publications, leadership roles etc.) are assigned Career Development Skill (CDS) points. Students must gain at least 30 CDS points across two tracks, with a minimum of 10 points in each track. Upon completion a “Certificate of Completion” is provided for students to present to future employers. To log into the Career Development Framework please go to:, select COSCDP.
For further information, please email


Graduate Research Office

The Graduate Research Office (GRO) is now open.  The GRO is dedicated to supporting your HDR candidature and manages a range of services including enquiries from prospective students and current applicants, admission and scholarship offers, variations to candidature and thesis submission and examination.

You can contact GRO by email or telephone +61 2 6125 5777. More information can be found here. GRO staff members will be available from 1-3pm from 18 February - 15 March 2019 at Level 1 Di Riddell Student Centre, Kambri for HDR enquiries. Staff will temporarily relocate to Level 6 of 121 Marcus Clarke Street (Building X005) by the end of March and a final relocation will occur mid to late 2019 to Ground Floor 121 Marcus Clarke Street where there will be a full counter service for HDR candidates.


Academic Skills

Need some advice on writing up your research? Want some ideas on how to effectively manage your research milestones, the publishing process, and presentations? Through one-to-one appointments a Learning Adviser can work closely with you to develop and improve your writing and writing habits. They can offer in-depth feedback on your thesis and publications. Academic Skills also offers workshops throughout the year on topics relevant to different stages in the PhD candidature, from writing an effective thesis proposal to editing and finishing the thesis. These workshops can be found on Eventbrite. Academic Skills also runs tailored writing programs in most Colleges. Links are provided in the events list above and personal invitations are sent to candidates. If your College or School does not currently have a program, contact Academic Skills at to discuss tailoring a program for you

Please note that Academic Skills is now located in the Di Riddell Student Centre, Building #154, Level 3.


ANU Online Wattle, Turnitin & Echo360 training

ANU Online provides training on Wattle (Moodle), Turnitin, ePortfolio, Echo360 ALP, and using technology for teaching and learning.
We offer:

We also have a regular newsletter with news, upcoming events and tips – see here. For more information on Wattle please contact, or for training please contact


ANU Qualitative Research Network

The QRN or ANU Qualitative Research Network has 260 members across ANU – in addition to the monthly newsletter (that outlines events and highlights interesting qualitative research happening at the ANU) there are regular Q & A style forums and seminars - advertised through ANU Events. Follow the link to the QRN members list to subscribe.


Centre for Higher Education, Learning &Teaching

Are you a PhD student who has tutored at ANU? Learn about new ideas and practices. Are you interested in gaining new skills to improve your effectiveness as a tutor/demonstrator? Principles of Tutoring and Demonstrating (PTD) is an intensive 10 module program, designed to help you develop teaching strategies, apply effective lesson planning principles, offer practical help with marking and examples of how to give feedback to your students. Find course and register here.


Counselling Centre

The ANU Counselling Centre runs a variety of group programs and workshops throughout the year, have a look at the programs and workshops on offer here.

The Counselling Centre has also developed a range of resources that cover common topics of interest to students such as homesickness, issues with study, relationships and mental health. We have translated some of these resources into numerous languages, including Chinese, Arabic and Indonesian. All these resources can be found here.


Human Ethics training

Do you need ethics approval for your research? Not sure where to start? Never fear, information on applying for ethics approval, registering for the online application system ARIES, and to sign up for ARIES training and the twice monthly Human Ethics Training sessions is here.



Take a quick tour of the ANU Library in these quick videos! Watch to discover the places, spaces and facilities in the library branches across campus.

Changes to copyright law have come into place this year, and your rights as a creator and user of materials have changed. You can learn more on the copyright page of the ANU Library website, which includes updated guides for students, researchers and teachers on rights and responsibilities when it comes to copyright.

EndNote X9 reference management software has been installed on all Information Commons computers at ANU. It is also available for free download by ANU staff and students to personal devices. Learn more about EndNote X9, or register for the ANU Library’s EndNote workshops on Eventbrite.

The ANU Archives has two new displays to check out in the Menzies Library - an exhibition on the role of Australia in the Spanish Civil War (located in the foyer), and a display of art in the archives (located in the Archives reading room). 


ANU Press

New this month from the ANU Press:

A Doctor Across Borders: Raphael Cilento and public health from empire to the United Nations
Raphael Cilento was one of the most prominent and controversial figures in Australian medicine. He was an active participant in public health reform during the inter-war years and is best known for his vocal engagement with public discourse on the relationship between hygiene, race and Australian nationhood. This book uses Cilento’s border-crossing career as a means to explore several material and discursive facets of Australia’s relationships to the Pacific and the world.

East Asia Forum Quarterly: Volume 11, Number 1, 2019
This issue of East Asia Forum Quarterly touches on key economic and social questions that affect gender equality in Southeast Asia and East Asia, delving beneath the aggregates and measurement challenges. Strengthening the evidence base is critical to building the policy toolkit and shaping public investments that ensure no woman or man is left behind.

All titles can be purchased or downloaded for free from the ANU Press website.


Statistical Consulting Unit

Consulting support is available, free of charge, to Honours students with research projects, Higher Degree Research students (e.g. Masters, PhD) and staff in all parts of the University. Request a consultation here.


ANU Technology Transfer Office

Do you have a question about IP or the commercialisation of your research? Come chat to a specialist from the Technology Transfer Office. No bookings necessary, just drop in to one of these sessions.

Also check out the Canberra Innovation Network; they run monthly networking events (First Wednesday Connect), workshops (such as Research to Impact), and events (such as the Zero Co2 Hackathon).


Postgraduate & Research Students' Association (PARSA)

Shut Up and Write (SUAW) facilitated day and night sessions will be continuing with some great additions and changes to its delivery. SUAW is held at the Molly Huxley Room at University House. To stay up to date with session times and SUAW opportunities, or to register for a session, please visit the PARSA website here.



From the Thesis Whisperer



Inger's picks from the web

Write, write, write! Some useful resources here

Levelling up and learning to say 'no' 

Getting inside the minds of potential non-academic employers


The latest from the Thesis Whisperer Blog

What does academic work look like?

Mind the Gap

What is this 'anti-PhD' attitude about?


Doctor Inger Mewburn

Associate Professor
Inger Mewburn

Director of Research Training
Thesis Whisperer



Roll of Honour


Warm congratulations to these following students who have been recently approved to graduate from their PhD or MPhil. Well done all!

Name Program ANU College
Jessica Doreen Amies PhD COS
Drew Anderson PhD CASS
Mark Bugden PhD COS
Leah Louise Bullen PhD CASS
Peter Keith Burnett PhD COL
George Joseph Carter PhD CAP
Song Chen PhD CECS
Qi Cheng PhD COS
Tiffany Joy Cole PhD CASS
Veronika Emetc PhD COS
Suzanne Faigan PhD CASS
Kathryne Ford PhD CASS
Xiao Fu PhD CECS
Laure Marie Gauthiez-Putallaz PhD COS
Zoe Rose Hatten PhD CAP
Xuefei He PhD CECS
Erna Herawati PhD CAP
Phillip Ho PhD CASS
Dongyun Jeung PhD COS
Wendy Ann Kukulies-Smith PhD COL
Philip Mitna PhD CAP
Gowtham Mohan PhD CECS
Matthew O'Connor PhD CECS
Rebecca Randall PhD CHM
Niklavs Andris Rubenis PhD CASS
Thomas Brian Shiell PhD COS
Melanie Sieber PhD COS
Koon Fung Tong PhD CAP
Maija Anita Vanags MPhil CASS
Zhirui Wang MPhil CECS
Kyle Wright PhD COS
Hao Yang PhD CHM
Umma Jamila Zannat PhD COS


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