The Australian National University


HDR Update


August 2019

In this issue

  • ANU 3 Minute Thesis Competition
  • Opportunities for HDR candidates
  • News & Events
  • Roll of Honour

Welcome note

Welcome once more to the latest HDR Update. We are well and truly past the mid-point of the year now, but I hope that the winter months are not impacting too much on your productivity. The Redefining the ANU PhD White Paper is still very much a focus of my office, and while we continue to do our best to improve the HDR experience for all, you will certainly hear more about this work on redefining the PhD in the months to come.

But this is also the time of year when we can look forward to being reminded just how wide and diverse higher degree research is here at ANU. By the time you read this there will just be a few days left for you to polish off your submission to the ANU Visualise Your Thesis competition. I am very happy to be able to fund some prizes, but more excited about seeing the outcomes.  Coming into August also means that the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) final is not far away, so the opportunities to present your research more widely continue!



Associate Professor Ann Evans

Associate Professor Ann Evans

Interim Dean HDR





#ANU3MT 3 Minute Thesis


The 3MT is an international competition for research students to showcase their research. Students share what their research is and why it is important in plain language for three minutes, with only a single PowerPoint slide.

ANU is proud to host the largest 3MT final in the world. Join us for a night of smart entertainment at 6pm on 4 September. On the night, twelve finalists will wow you and the judges for the #ANU3MT 2019 crown. We sold out of tickets last year – get your tickets now to avoid disappointment.

Key dates for #ANU3MT 2019 final:

  • 19 August         College nominations for the ANU3MT final close at 12pm
  • 4 September     ANU final
  • 4 October          Asia Pacific 3MT Final 2019, University of Queensland

If you have any questions about the #ANU3MT, please email and we would be happy to help.


From Research Skills and Training




5-9 Pomodoro Break: Emotions and the PhD
7 Beyond Plan B: Finding a non-academic research job when you finish your PhD
7 Top tips for working with your supervisor
14 Maintaining research energy - Muddling Through the Middle
14 Managing Your Milestones
21 Tragic research mistakes and how to avoid them
29 Official Research Candidate Induction to the Australian National University


4 #ANU3MT 3 Minute Thesis Competition Final 2019
16 Official Research Candidate Induction to the Australian National University
17 Getting the most out of academic conferences
18 Preparing for submission: Clinic
19 Raising your research profile


Other Development Opportunities




1 Word for academic writing: maintaining consistency in your thesis
2 Working with data in Excel
2 Employer Visits Program 2019: MYNAVI
6 SPSS introduction
7 Employer Visits Program 2019: NSW Public Service Commission
8 EndNote X9 workshop
8 Employer Visits Program 2019: NSW Government Graduate Program
9 Word for academic writing: putting your thesis all together
12 Research data management workshop
13 SPSS advanced significance testing
15 Journal Article Writing (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
15 International In Focus
15 INECTAR Annual General Meeting
17 Saturday EndNote X9 workshop
19-21 Online Coffee Course: Developing Communities of Practice
21 Digital research workshop
24 Saturday Word for academic writing: maintaining consistency in your thesis
27 EndNote X9 workshop
29 Conference poster production using PowerPoint


4 Thesis Proposal Review (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
5 BYOD Mac EndNote X9 workshop
5 Wattle Quiz Building Workshop
6 Publishing with LaTeX
6 NVivo Introduction
7 Saturday Word for academic writing: putting your thesis all together
9 Thesis Proposal Review (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
13 NVivo Advanced
18 Presenting your research 
19 Journal Article Writing (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)





Pomodoro Breaks – a professional development snack in your coffee break

Pomodoro Breaks are designed to give you bite-sized morsels of useful information while you are enjoying a coffee break from your studies. Each topic will run over a few days, and we'll invite you to join the conversation.

The August Pomodoro Break course Emotions and the PhD will help you manage the ups and downs of research, allowing you to enjoy a smoother run through your degree. The course will run over a week, 5-9 August 2019. Please register your interest by 5pm Friday 2 August. For more information and any questions, contact Dr Cally Guerin.


Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims - Survey

The Australian Race Discrimination Commissioner is asking Australian Muslim students, colleagues, family, and friends to share their stories via an online survey here. You can find out more on their project page here project page here


Research to Impact Innovation Fellowship

Are you near the end of your PhD degree and wondering 'what next?'. The Research to Impact Innovation Fellowship is a competitive program providing researchers who have just submitted their PhD thesis with a living stipend for up to 6 months. Find out more here.


Careers help is available!

Still wondering what to do after your PhD? ANU Careers Consultants can help you find ways to achieve your career aspirations. Consults can be booked through CareerHub. Find out more about their services here.

The Internaional in Focus Careers Fair is happening on August 15. There will be presentations on careers in development and aid organisations, and graduate opportunities abroad. Register for each session on Career Hub. There will also be information stalls running from 10am to 2pm in the Athenaeum Room.


Westpac postgraduate scholarship targets tomorrow’s leaders

Applications are now open for 2020 Westpac Future Leaders Scholarships, a postgraduate scholarship program with a difference. Focused on developing leadership potential, the program supports individuals with the drive and ideas to help shape a better future through their work and studies. Valued up to $120,000 over 2-3 years.

If you’re commencing a PhD or Masters by Course work in 2020 apply before 4 September 2019. Apply today or nominate someone who may be interested.


Statistical Consulting Unit

The Statistical Consulting Unit (SCU) is located in the Computer Science/Mathematical Sciences Institute building (#145). Consulting support is available, free of charge, to Honours students with research projects, Higher Degree Research students (e.g. Masters, PhD) and staff in all parts of the University. If you would like to make an appointment or to find out more about the SCU please visit our website here.


ANU Library

The LaTeX workshop provides an introduction to basic LaTeX usage with a focus on thesis and journal publications typesetting.

Manage and analyse qualitative data with NVivo – upcoming workshops are available on 6 and 13 September (cost $180).

SPSS is the most popular quantitative analysis software program, join our free SPSS workshops in August to learn how to analyse and present your data

The ANU Library’s self-paced Increasing impact and engagement module enables you to explore research impact metrics and measures and learn more about how to make your research count.

Do you want to know more about publishing? Have you ever considered turning your thesis into a book, or wondered how to publish an article in a journal? This fantastic event series will go through the whole publications process – including the peaks and pitfalls, dos and don’ts, pros and cons.

HASS students – join us at these informative events including a talk by SAGE Publishing (5 Aug), a panel discussion ‘How to turn your thesis into a book’ (8 Aug), and a workshop on journal article writing by Academic Skills (15 Aug). Featuring academics, researchers, professionals and more.

Science students – join us in September for your own events, including a talk by academic publisher Springer Nature (9 Sept), a panel discussion ‘Risks and tips for publishing in the new era’ (12 Sept), and an Academic Skills workshop on journal article writing in STEM (19 Sept).

A new module on Privacy has just been launched on Pulse, which will help increase your knowledge of privacy and its context in the university. We encourage you to use the module and learn more about privacy.


News & Information about services at ANU



Harry Hartog

@thesiswhisperer told Harry Hartog the titles of all her favourite books on doing a thesis and Harry Hartog bought them all! Check out the massively expanded reference section up the back, amongst the text books.


The Equality Project

The Equality Project invites individuals and organisations to submit a proposal to run a session or workshop with the aim of exploring the current issues facing the LGBTIQ+ movement in Australia.
Applications are expected to align with at least one of The Equality Project's mission and values. In addition, please read "Our Why" prior to submitting your idea. If you have any questions about your application please direct your inquiries to For more information please visit this website.


Science, Health and Medicine HDR Career Development Framework

The HDR Career Development Framework was launched late 2018 to assist HDR students in the Joint Colleges of Science, Health and Medicine to develop, and get recognition for, a broad range of academic and work-relevant skills. To log into the Career Development Framework please go to:, select COSCDP. 
For further information, please email


Graduate Research Office

The ANU will commence the 2nd round of data collection for the 2019 Researcher end-user engagement reporting in early August. On 5 August 2019, HDR students will receive an email with a unique link to a survey. Important information including frequently asked questions are included on the Research end-user engagement website. The data requested is for the period 1 April – 31 August 2019 and the form will be available to complete online until close of business 6 September 2019. For any assistance please contact

The Global Young Scientists Summit will be held in Singapore on 14-17 January 2020. The ANU has been invited to nominate 5 participants. The theme for the summit has not yet been advised, however, if you’re interested in finding out about past summits please visit the GYSS homepage.  Please be on the lookout for further details which will be coming from GRO in August. This will include eligibility, selection criteria, and nomination due dates. The GYSS is open to PhD students and post-doc academics in any field of science and technology who are under the age of 35 (at the time of the summit).

The Australian Academy of Science is currently calling for expressions of interest from a junior scientist to travel to the National Institutes of Health in the USA in 2020.  Applicants are expected to be undertaking a PhD at the time of travel. The deadline is Friday 13 September 2019. Please check the Australian Academy of Science website for eligibility and terms of award.

The Graduate Research Office is here to provide administrative advice and support to HDR candidates at all stages of their time at ANU. If you need assistance, please contact GRO and one of our helpful teams will assist.

Please contact GRO by email or telephone +61 2 6125 5777 if you have any questions. More information can be found here.


Did you know that as a HDR candidate you are welcome at all NECTAR events? Not sure what NECTAR is? Then come to the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 15 August, 12-1pm, and find out. Register today (a light lunch will be provided).


Academic Skills

Need some advice on writing up your research? Book a one-to-one appointment with a learning consultant at the academic skills and learning centre to get in-depth feedback on your thesis and publications. Workshop times and dates can be found on Eventbrite. Contact Academic Skills at to discuss tailoring a program for your school.


ANU Online Wattle, Turnitin & Echo360 training

ANU Online provides training on Wattle (Moodle), Turnitin, ePortfolio, Echo360 ALP, and using technology for teaching and learning.
We offer:

We also have a regular newsletter with news, upcoming events and tips – see here. For more information on Wattle please contact, or for training please contact


ANU Qualitative Research Network

The QRN or ANU Qualitative Research Network has 260 members across ANU – in addition to the monthly newsletter (that outlines events and highlights interesting qualitative research happening at the ANU) there are regular Q & A style forums and seminars - advertised through ANU Events. Follow the link to the QRN members list to subscribe.


Counselling Centre

The ANU Counselling Centre runs a variety of group programs and workshops throughout the year, have a look at the programs and workshops on offer here.

The Counselling Centre has also developed a range of resources that cover common topics of interest to students such as homesickness, issues with study, relationships and mental health. We have translated some of these resources into numerous languages, including Chinese, Arabic and Indonesian. All these resources can be found here.


Research Ethics Training

Do you need ethics approval for your research? Not sure where to start? The ethics office run monthly face-to-face training sessions, as well as new monthly drop-in sessions to assist you with all of your ethics application questions in human, animal or rDNA research.


Innovation ANU

Do you have a question about intellectual property or the commercialisation of your research? Chat to a specialist from the Technology Transfer Office at one of their upcoming drop-in sessions.

Innovation ANU also runs a range of training and other events for researchers around industry engagement, commercialisation, entrepreneurship, etc. Check out their Skills Development Calendar for upcoming sessions.

Have an innovative business idea, but not sure how to get started? Take part in InnovationACT, a free ten-week entrepreneurship program from ANU, involving workshops, mentorship, networking and a $50,000 grant pool. Registrations are now open and the program launches on 13th August.

Also, check out the opportunities from the Canberra Innovation Network, who runs monthly networking events (First Wednesday Connect), workshops (Research to Impact) and other events for researchers.


Postgraduate & Research Students' Association (PARSA)

Shut Up and Write (SUAW) facilitated day and night sessions will be continuing with some great additions and changes to its delivery. SUAW is held at the Molly Huxley Room at University House. To stay up to date with session times and SUAW opportunities, or to register for a session, please visit the PARSA website here.



From the Thesis Whisperer



Inger's picks from the web

Some interesting thoughts on writing your academic biography  (I used this to rewrite mine and I was pleased with the results.)

For those of you interested in the ever shifting debates around university rankings, this article may be of interest.

I attended graduation and appreciated being gowned - it made the daily struggle of dressing for academia easier. Here's another link that might help if you share my sartorial challenge.

The latest from the Thesis Whisperer Blog

Keep the quirky bits! Turning your PhD into a best selling book

What's therapy got to do with it?

A PhD… with teenagers


Doctor Inger Mewburn

Associate Professor
Inger Mewburn

Director of Research Training
Thesis Whisperer



Roll of Honour


Warm congratulations to these following students who have been recently approved to graduate from their PhD or MPhil. Well done all!

Name Program ANU College
Shireen Eid PhD CHM
Hao He PhD COS
Rebecca Kathleen Lawrence PhD CHM
David Paul Blair PhD COS
Claudia Cialone PhD CHM
Richard Norman Arthur PhD CHM
Sonya Rita Geange PhD COS
Katlyn Maureen Quenzer PhD CASS
Larissa Qian Huston PhD COS
Jonathon Raymond Zapasnik PhD CASS
Lauren Amanda Sadow PhD CASS
Guanlong Ren PhD CBE
Annie Te One PhD NCIS
David Kalkman PhD CASS
Suryansh Kumar PhD CECS
Julia Maguire MPhil CHM
Divya Muthiah PhD COS


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