The Australian National University


HDR Update


September 2019

In this issue

  • ANU 3 Minute Thesis Competition
  • Development opportunities for HDR candidates
  • Scholarships and Programs
  • Roll of Honour
  • News from around ANU

Welcome note

Welcome again to the latest HDR Update. We are fast coming up to spring and have already had a taste of the warmer weather (followed in Canberra fashion by some really cold days). I do hope though that you are able to take advantage of the increasingly longer days and less chilly mornings!

A lot has been happening since I last wrote. It has been two years since the landmark AHRC Report on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment, and it is important to reflect, as the VC has, that there is still work to be done to ensure that every person can feel safe and respected. You may also have read about the new ANU Master Plan, and the announcement that The Hon Julie Bishop will take over as Chancellor from 1 January 2020. Early last month I joined in the Senior Management Group Retreat where the University leadership discussed some of the pressing questions of the day that affect the entire ANU.

This is the time of the year however when it is our higher degree research that is showcased to the world. By the time you read this, the ANU Three Minute Thesis (3MT) will be only days away. If you haven’t been to the ANU Final before I would definitely encourage you to go, as it is not only a great occasion (the largest final in the world), but more importantly a wonderful opportunity to share research. I hope to see you there.



Associate Professor Ann Evans

Associate Professor Ann Evans

Interim Dean HDR





Three Minute Thesis Final #ANU3MT



ANU is proud to host the largest 3MT final in the world. Join us for a night of smart entertainment at 6pm on Wednesday 4 September. On the night, eleven finalists will wow you and the judges for the #ANU3MT 2019 crown. We sold out of tickets last year – get your tickets now to avoid disappointment.

If you have any questions about the #ANU3MT, please email


From Research Skills and Training




3 Managing your milestones - Hedley Bull Building
4 3 Minute Thesis Competition Final 2019 - Llewellyn Hall
6 Working with your supervisor - Mount Stromlo Observatory
10 Working with your supervisor - Hedley Bull Building
16 Official Research Candidate Induction to the Australian National University - Menzies Library
17 Getting the most out of academic conferences - Robertson Building
18 Preparing for submission: Clinic - Building 10T1
19 Raising your research profile - Building 10T1
20 Raising your research profile - Mount Stromlo Observatory


2 Top tips for working with your supervisor - Building 10T1
10 Managing your milestones - Building 10T1
10 Official Research Candidate Induction to the Australian National University - Menzies Library
16 Tragic research mistakes and how to avoid them - Building 10T1
17 Getting the most out of academic conferences - Building 10T1
21 Official Research Candidate Induction to the Australian National University - Menzies Library
Pomodoro Breaks – a professional development snack in your coffee break

Pomodoro Breaks are designed to give you bite-sized morsels of useful information while you are enjoying a coffee break from your studies. Each topic will run over a few days, and we'll invite you to join the conversation. The September Pomodoro Break course Is your thesis good enough? Examination and the PhD will will identify what examiners expect to see in your thesis and how you can make it easy for them to understand that you meet the requirements for the degree. The course will run over a week, 23-27 September. Please register your interest by 19 September 2019. For more information and any questions, contact Dr Cally Guerin.


Other Development Opportunities




4 Thesis Proposal Review (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
4 Research data management workshop
5 BYOD Mac EndNote X9 workshop
6 Distance Connect - social meet up for distance postgrads (Canberra Hospital & Melbourne)
6 Publishing with LaTeX Day 1
6 NVivo Introduction
7 Saturday Word for academic writing: putting your thesis all together
9 Thesis Proposal Review (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
9 ‘How to publish’ talk by Springer Nature (China in the World Building)
10 Thrive – don't just survive
10 Managing life in the vortex
12 Publishing panel event ‘risks and tips for publishing in the new era’ (Menzies Library)
12 Graphic design workshop – Develop your own graphics to communicate your knowledge
13 Publishing with LaTeX Day 2
13 NVivo Advanced
16 EndNote X9 workshop
17 SPSS Introduction
17 Digital research workshop
17 Mindfulness and Distress Tolerance Skills Group workshop series
18 Presenting your research
19 Journal Article Writing (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
19 Word for academic writing: formatting your document
20 Working with data in Excel
23-24 Canberra Together LGBTIQ+ Community Symposium 
24 Stress and Anxiety Group workshop series
24 SPSS advanced significance testing
25 Enhancing Personal Performance workshop series
26 Kickstart your PhD
26 Word for academic writing: maintaining consistency in your thesis
30 ARC DECRA Workshop


2 EndNote X9 workshop
4 Publishing in journals (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
8 Publishing in journals (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
10 Monthly NECTAR Social
10 Research data management workshop
15 Working with data in Excel
16 EndNote X9 Windows webinar
16 Write like a scholar (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
17 Digital research workshop
24 Write like a scholar (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)


Scholarships and Programs


Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates
The Australian Academy of Science invites nominations from HDR students to attend the 70th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates to be held in Lindau, Germany, 28 June - 3 July 2020. More details and to apply visit this website.
Central Domestic Scholarship Round
Applications for domestic Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships will close on 31 October 2019. If you are currently studying you can still apply. Please contact your ANU College for further information on eligibility and advice.
Travel to the National Institutes of Health, USA
The Australian Academy of Science is currently calling for expressions of interest from a junior scientist to travel to the National Institutes of Health in the USA in 2020.  Applicants are expected to be undertaking a PhD at the time of travel. The deadline is 13 September 2019. Please check the Australian Academy of Science website for eligibility and terms of award.
Research to Impact Innovation Fellowship
Are you near the end of your PhD degree and wondering 'what next?'. The Research to Impact Innovation Fellowship is a competitive program providing researchers who have just submitted their PhD thesis with a living stipend for up to 6 months. Find out more here.
Westpac postgraduate scholarship targets tomorrow’s leaders

Applications are now open for 2020 Westpac Future Leaders Scholarships, a postgraduate scholarship program with a difference. Focused on developing leadership potential, the program supports individuals with the drive and ideas to help shape a better future through their work and studies. Valued up to $120,000 over 2-3 years. If you’re commencing a PhD or Masters by Course work in 2020 apply before 4 September 2019. Apply today or nominate someone who may be interested.


From the Thesis Whisperer



Inger's picks from the web

I was introduced to the '6 pager' technique that Amazon uses this month - what would your thesis look like in this format I wonder?

Can you still be a scientist outside of academia?

This month I had a conversation on Twitter about how many references should in a literature review, but the Doctoral writing SIG blog got there way ahead of me!

The latest from the Thesis Whisperer Blog

How your writing centre can help you finish your PhD

Keep the quirky bits! Turning your PhD into a best selling book

What's therapy got to do with it?


Doctor Inger Mewburn

Associate Professor
Inger Mewburn

Director of Research Training
Thesis Whisperer



Roll of Honour


Warm congratulations to these following students who have been recently approved to graduate from their PhD or MPhil. Well done all!

Name Program ANU College
Gürol Baba MPhil CASS
Hannah Lorna Delchau PhD CHM
Jie Zhao PhD COS
Lei Wang PhD COS
Li Liu PhD COS
Matthew James Burgess Stephenson PhD CECS
Michael Anenburg PhD COS
Mithun Chamikara Mahawaththage Don PhD COS
Mohmmed Alotiby PhD COS
Panittra Ninpanit PhD CAP
Ram Prasad Ghimire PhD CASS
Robert Lazarus PhD CASS
Supanimit Chiampanichayakul PhD COS






Graduate Research Office

Thank you to those who have completed the 2019 Researcher end-user engagement form. The form was sent to you by email and will be available to complete until CoB on Friday, 6 September 2019. To go into the draw for one of 10 $50 Dendy Cinema eGift cards, you will need to complete the form by this date. For assistance please contact

The Graduate Research Office is now administering Thesis Access Restrictions. Candidates must make an application for Thesis Access Restrictions using the HDR Milestone Reporting eForm – Notification of Intent to Submit (NOI). For further information please see the detailed guide to the Notification of Intent to Submit Video and the Procedure. If you have any questions, please contact –



The Law Library will be closed from 31 August to 15 September due to planned electrical work. We apologise for the inconvenience.

EndNote X9 reference management software is available on all Information Commons computers at ANU. It is also available for free download to personal devices by ANU staff and students. Go to the EndNote Wattle site and enrol to receive download instructions.


Postgraduate & Research Students' Association (PARSA)

Want to avoid the distractions and get more effective writing done? Look no further! PARSA Shut Up and Write sessions is for you to get together on a regular basis and focus on short, intense bursts of productive writing in a supportive environment, using the Pomodoro technique. Sessions run across 5-days a week with healthy meals and trained facilitators. For the schedule and registrations visit this link.


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