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Recently it came to my attention that candidates who have handed in their thesis and are currently under examination have experienced problems with access to ANU facilities. We have added a new category of “under examination” to your student record, so when you hand your thesis in you will still enjoy all the same privileges you have as a candidate. If you have an idea you would like me to hear, please get in touch with a member of my Student Consultative Committee. You can find out who your representatives are by contacting your college Student Services team.

Have you heard about the Endeavour scholarship program?
The Australian Government funds a small number of early career researchers to travel to other countries to undertake research projects. The Endeavour scholarship will pay travel costs, help you get established in your host country, cover your insurance and pay you a monthly $3000 stipend while you are there. ANU has a proud history of successful candidates for this prestigious award, so why not put up your hand? Visit the Endeavour scholarship site to learn more about this great opportunity from previous successful recipients. There will be an information session in May to help you put an application together – if you are interested in attending, register an expression of interest here so you can be kept informed.
            5th Thesis Whisperer: How to survive your PhD
            6th Thesis Whisperer: Working with your supervisor 
            11th Official welcome to the research community for higher degree research students (*repeat)
            15th WEBINAR: The Thesis Whisperer's top tips for starting your research project
            16th Thesis Boot Camp Veterans Day
            4th Thesis Whisperer: Write that journal article in 7 days                    
            11th Thesis Whisperer: What do thesis examiners really want?                     
            14th Thesis Boot Camp Veterans Day                        
            18th Thesis Whisperer: Constructing an academic CV                 

Social media strategies for researchers - a new opportunity to work closely with the Thesis Whisperer. Register your expression of interest here.
The latest from the Thesis Whisperer Blog

How to email your supervisor

The lies we tell ourselves

Your first conference