Statistical Support Network


SSN’s vision is to be the hub where every ANU HDR student and researcher is welcome to collaborate with statistical experts to achieve excellent research results.


  • Collaboration
  • Competence
  • Integrity
  • Kindness
  • Leadership

SSN Services for Students and Staff

Consulting support is available, free of charge, to Honours students with research projects, Higher Degree Research students (e.g. Masters, PhD) and staff in all parts of the University. SSN consultations are now available online (via Zoom, etc.) or face-to-face. If face-to-face meeting is required, then social distancing and hygiene practices will be followed. Once the request is submitted, you will hear back from a consultant within 5 business days

Please request a consultation then a consultant will arrange a meeting on Zoom or face-to-face as appropriate.

Researchers and research students can get statistical advice through:

Can't request a consultation?

If you're having trouble booking a consultation, try visiting this page.

Having trouble with software?

For statistical software issues, please log a ticket through the Service Desk Portal.

For other questions, please see our FAQ or contact us at

About the SSN

The Statistical Support Network is a network of statisticians that specialises in statistical applications in academic research in the sciences and humanities. Its predecessor, the Statistical Consulting Unit, was established in 1982 and built a strong reputation for expert statistical advice in study design, data collection and data analysis across all disciplines. Research collaboration is central to our role. The Statistical Support Network replaced the SCU in August 2021 and it aims to be the most significant source of statistical advice in ANU. The Network has the technical expertise to keep abreast of the fast-evolving research methodologies in a data-driven research environment, across a broad range of disciplines. It consistently advocates for appropriate study designs for experiments and surveys, and provides advice in data management, exploratory data analysis, statistical modelling and data presentation. It offers short courses and workshops in statistics tailored to specific research areas, as well as more generalist online courses. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’m an honours/HDR student who needs some statistical advice on my research project – can SSN help?
A: Yes! Book a face-to-face consultation with one of our friendly & helpful consultants via this link. Consultations are free and there is no limit to how many times you can see us. Advice will not ordinarily be given via email or phone call.

Q: I’m a HDR student and I’m struggling with the software I am using for my coursework / research project, can you help?
A: SSN does not provide tutoring/training on how to use software, nor can we help help with your coursework assignments, or write code for you. We do help with your Honours/HDR research projects by providing support in experimental design, survey design, data management, statistical modelling & data presentation.

Q: How can I download statistical software and how do I learn how to use it?
A: If you're learning to use a software in your coursework & need help doing so, contact your course convener. To download software, contact ANU ITS.

Q: I’m not an Honours/HDR student but would like to receive statistical advice, is this possible?
A: SSN also provides consulting to all ANU staff, however we cannot provide consulting to people outside of the university.

If you have any other enquiries, please feel free to email for help.

Directions to the SSN

The SSN is located in the Baldessin Precinct Building (#110) at level 4, Room E4.36.


Our Contacts


NameContact details
Statistical Support Network 


NameContact details
Professor Alice Richardson 
 +61 2 6125 0562
Room E4.36
Mr Bob Forrester 
Adjunct Fellow
 +61 2 6125 8349
Associate Professor Emlyn Williams 
Emeritus Fellow