Facilities & maps

Detailed information is provided in this section about the ANU campus in Acton, including campus maps, parking and transport facilities, venues and function areas.

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.COM Meeting Room - 6.09
.EDU Meeting Room - 5.23
.GOV Meeting Room - 5.22
.NET Meeting Room - 4.16
.ORG Meeting Room - 5.16
Academic Skills and Learning Centre
Academy of Social Sciences
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
Access and Inclusion
Access and Inclusion
ACRF Biomolecular Resource Facility
Acton Early Childhood Centre (22 Balmain Cres.)
Acton Theatre
AD Hope 1.23
AD Hope 1.44
AD Hope G12
AD Hope G19
AD Hope G28
AD Hope G30
AD Hope G41
AD Hope LG1
AD Hope LG24
AD Hope LG29
Advancement Services
Adviser to Staff
Al-Falasi Lecture Theatre
Alumni Relations & Philanthropy
ANU Apartments
ANU Archives
ANU C&E Workshop Room 1214
ANU Careers & Employability
ANU Careers & Employability Workshop Room 1214
ANU Centre for Social Research Methods
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS)
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP)
ANU College of Business and Economics (CBE)
ANU College of Business and Economics parenting room
ANU College of Law, Governance & Policy (CLGP)
ANU College of Science & Medicine
ANU College of Systems & Society (CSS)
ANU Connect Ventures
ANU Council
ANU Executive
ANU Film Group
ANU Institute for Space
ANU International Law Society
ANU Medical School
ANU Multimedia (Photography) Services
ANU Parking Administration