Information about corporate and academic governance, frameworks and policies and the committees that operate within this structure.
Management committees
ANU Animal Ethics Committee
The ANU Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) approves, monitors and regulates the use of animals in research and teaching carried out at ANU, and…
ANU Education Grants Committee
The ANU Education Grants schemes are designed to support the development of research-led education by ANU staff with leadership skills or potential…
ANU eResearch Reference Group
The ANU eResearch Reference Group is charged with the strategic oversight of the University's eResearch activities, including eResearch…
ANU Human Research Ethics Committee
The Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) is the primary Human Ethics Committee at ANU. High risk human ethics applications will be considered…
ANU Recombinant DNA Monitoring Committee
To deal with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), an organisation needs to be accredited by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (…
ANU Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education Committee
The ANU Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education provide recognition for the most outstanding teachers within the University, with the…
Chemical and Hazardous Waste Safety Advisory Group
Chemical and Hazardous Waste Safety Advisory Group
College of Arts and Social Sciences WHS Committee
College of Arts and Social Sciences WHS Committee
College of Asia and the Pacific WHS Committee
College of Asia and the Pacific WHS Committee