University legislation
The Council is empowered to make legislation (known as Statutes, Rules and Orders) to regulate matters concerning the operation of ANU under section 50 of the Australian National University Act 1991. The Vice-Chancellor may also make Rules and Orders if authorised to do so by a Statute made by the Council.
The University’s suite of legislation has the status of Federal Law, and is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation in accordance with the Legislation Act 2003.
The University Legislation Policy and the University Legislation Procedure govern the use, content and management of University Legislation, including the required processes for the initiation, development, drafting, approval, registration and review of University Legislation. Service Divisions or ANU Colleges who identify a need for new University Legislation should discuss this with the Corporate Governance and Risk Office (CGRO) in the first instance. CGRO can advise on the appropriate use of University Legislation, and the process for its development.
Reference documents
- Template - Legislation Proposal (DOCX, 86.58 KB)
- Template - Legislation Proposal (Minor Amendment) (DOCX, 86.6 KB)
- Template - Legislation Drafting Instructions (DOCX, 86.32 KB)
- Template - Consultation Feedback Log (DOCX, 46.34 KB)
- Template - Final Approval by Responsible Executive (DOCX, 86.9 KB)
- Template - Final Approval by Responsible Executive (Minor Amendment) (DOCX, 87.16 KB)
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Related links
- Policy Manager
- Send email
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