Data centres and network rooms
Data centres and network rooms
Upkeep of data centres and network rooms involves both data centre standards and communications rooms standards to be followed. You will also find guidelines on this page for patching, access to communication cabinets, power supply as well as information on Uninterruptable power supplies and standards regarding rubbish and construction work in the communications rooms.
Data Centre Operations (DCO) and Access
The DCO team is responsible for the ANU data centres.
The ANU Data Centre Standards Document details the responsibilities of data centre users when working in the ANU Data Centres. This document must be referenced by all users prior to entering any of the data centres at ANU. All staff members and external contractors seeking access to an ANU data centre to perform work of any kind must first submit an ANU Data Centre Request For Access Form, signed by an ANU Data Centre Delegate. The person requesting access must then undergo an induction session with a DCO staff member.
As specified in the data centre standards document, all requests for work to be carried out within an ANU Data Centre are to lodged via the Service Desk. The ANU Data Centre Request for Work Form should be utilised when lodging these requests.
Communications rooms standards
The overarching University policy, which covers patching (patching is an update that fixes a particular problem within a program, for e.g. updating an operating system) responsibilities, is the Network Operations Policy. Local IT Support Staff (LITSS) are responsible for the patching of locally managed network-connecting devices (PCs, servers, storage, printers, etc). Patching standards also need to be met.
Network and Communications has overall responsibility for communications cabinets (cabinet for storing a server and hardware), which are part of the ICN (Integrated Communications Network) and determines the standards needed to be followed.
The following outlines the standards that are enforced across the universities communication cabinets. It should be noted that these standards are gradually being implemented across the University and as such, not all cabinets yet conform to these standards. Upgrading of cabinets to this standard is completed at the same time as the switches in the cabinets are upgraded.
Patching changes are restricted to within the set of switch ports allocated to the relevant business area. Switch ports are not a limited resource, if your business area requires additional ports, please contact:
Un-patching and re-patching may only be undertaken by persons that have been approved by the business area responsible for the relevant patches and ports.
Any replacement or additional patch leads must be of the same colour allocated to the business area. For example, blue, or, if a shared cabinet, blue and/or green. Networks and Communications supplies are available at no additional charge, including patch leads for communications cabinets.
Access to communications cabinets
Communications cabinets must remain locked at all times except when patching is being undertaken. Leaving keys within communication cabinets doors is not allowed. An exception exists when communication cabinets are located within a secured location (such as a server room or a closet), and this location has restricted access and is locked, except when patching is being undertaken.
Power supply
There shall be a dedicated 15A single GPO (General Power Outlet) with no RCD (residual current device) supplied from the nearest electrical distribution board, unless notified otherwise by the Project Officer. See Appendix A in relation to document procedures for the installation and/or modification to any electrical installations.
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
Communications cabinets may contain a UPS that supplies power to switch infrastructure for the university. The following points are to be applied to UPS equipment:
UPS are for switch infrastructure only and no other equipment (unless there is express consent from Networks and Communications) may be plugged into a communications cabinet UPS. UPS loads are calculated per cabinet and the addition of more load can cause an unacceptable decrease in the capability of that UPS to provide up-time to the network.
UPS are monitored over the network and typically patch into port ge.1.1 of the switch stack in a cabinet with yellow UTP cabling.
Rubbish and construction work
Rubbish, such as plastic packaging, and cable ties, are not to be left in the communications cabinets.
Any construction work completed in a communications cabinet, such as core drilling, is to be cleaned up afterwards. This is particularly important in the cases where fine concrete dust has been left in communications cabinets. This dust easily gets into electronic equipment, which can reduce the life expectancy and efficiency of the equipment.
Networks and Communications-as the responsible entity for managing communications cabinets-will routinely audit cabinets for conformance to these standards and, if required, will request LITSS to undertake any house keeping to restore cabinet condition and cable management to be within the necessary standards of cleanliness.
Reference documents
- ANU data centre request for access (PDF, 235.92 KB)
- ANU data centre request for work (PDF, 525.4 KB)
- ANU data centre standards (PDF, 819.45 KB)
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
- ANU Service Desk
- +61 2 612 54321
- Service Desk
Page Owner: Information Technology Services