Business owner: Information Technology Services
ANU OneDrive is a cloud storage for work-related files available to all ANU staff, students, and affiliates for free. It allows you to store files, collaborate on documents in real time, share, and access them from any device.
All files that you store in OneDrive are private unless you decide to share them.
Note: OneDrive should be used for personal work-related files and documents. If you want to store documents that other people need to access regularly, it is recommended that you use SharePoint or Shared Drives.
If the information you are storing is a record of university business, it should be saved in a university system such as ERMS or a university research data repository. To understand you obligation of record keeping and privacy, read the Record keeping and O365 article and the Privacy, security and O365 article.
OneDrive features
- easy file sharing. Files and folders can be shared with others inside and outside of ANU, including those without a Microsoft account.
- access to your documents from any device. You can get to your files from anywhere, on any device. All data will be accessible in one place. This includes your File Explorer, mobile devices, all web browsers and from Microsoft Office applications such as Teams.
- offline access. You can access your files even without internet connection.
- easycollaboration with real time co-editing functionality.
- automatic back-up. Files are automatically backed up to the cloud, protecting your work.
- strong security.
Accessing OneDrive
The are many ways you can access your OneDrive files:
- use the login button on this page.
- go to and sign-in to OneDrive using your University ID (UID) and password.
- file explorer.
- Microsoft Teams.
Related links
Support contact
- ANU Service Desk
- +61 2 612 54321
- Service Desk
Page Owner: Information Technology Services