Other funding opportunities

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Erasmus+ programme

The new Erasmus+ programme aims to support actions in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2014-2020.

Funding body / organisation: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Research at Google

The Google Research Awards program aims to identify and support world-class, full-time faculty pursuing research in areas of mutual interest.

Funding body / organisation: Google

NSW Office of Environment & Heritage

The NSW Environmental Trust offers a range of grant programs.  These programs fund projects that rehabilitate or regenerate the environment, or promote environmental education and sustainability.

Funding body / organisation: NSW Office of Environment & Heritage

Social Science Research Council

Education Research Program

The Education Research Program is dedicated to the promotion of rigorous social science research on education informed by experts across disciplines and drawing on the SSRC's institutional history.

Funding body / organisation: SSRC

The auDA Foundation

The auDA Foundation aims to enhance the utility of the Internet for all Australians. The Foundation typically offers grants to not-for-profit organisations and research institutions.

Funding body / organisation: auDA Foundation

The Australia Council for the Arts

The grants program supports a diverse range of artists, artistic practice, organisations and arts activity.

Funding body / organisation: The Australia Council

The Andrew Mellon Foundation

These grants support humanistic scholarship, liberal arts and doctoral education, and the performing and visual arts.

Funding body / organisation: The Andrew Mellon Foundation

The Ian Potter Foundation

The Ian Potter Foundation makes grants across a broad range of sectors and endeavours. Our grants are managed through nine program areas: Arts, Community Wellbeing, Education, Environment & Conservation, Health & Disability, Medical Research, Science, Travel, and Conference.

Funding body / organisation: The Ian Potter Foundation

The Scanlon Foundation

The purpose of the grants program is to fund projects that support the transition of migrants into the local community.

Funding body / organisation: Scanlon Foundation

The Spencer Foundation, US

Small Research Grants in the Areas of Inquiry

The Foundation currently accepts proposals for small research grants, with a budget limit of $50,000. Small grant proposals covering any topic that falls within Spencer's mission can be submitted through our general small grants program.

Midcareer Grant Program

This targeted program provides support for those who are interested in advancing their understanding of a compelling problem of education by acquiring new skills, substantive knowledge, theoretical perspectives or methodological tools.

The New Civics Initiative

The New Civics initiative is embedded within the broader Foundation belief that cultivating knowledge and new ideas about education will ultimately improve students' lives and enrich society.

Funding body / organisation: Spencer Foundation

The Wallace Foundation

The Wallace Foundation Major Initiatives

The Wallace Foundation is a USA-based philanthropy that seeks to improve learning and enrichment for disadvantaged children and foster the vitality of the arts for everyone.

Funding body / organisation: The Wallace Foundation

The Wenner-Gren Foundation

The Foundation has a variety of grant programs for anthropological research and scholarship that are open to applicants irrespective of nationality or country of residence.

Funding body / organisation: Wenner-Gren Foundation

