Student First Program embraces human-centred design
The Student First Program is a multi-year program of work that will improve the student experience at the ANU.
Student First Program Director, Dean MacDonald, says Student First is utilising human-centred design principles to truly understand how people think, feel and work before diving into prioritising solutions.
“Our approach is focused on developing a holistic understanding of the current digital landscape and its impact on the student experience. We are using human-centred design to actively listen to students and staff throughout the Student First Program,” Dean says.
Professor Maryanne Dever, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education & Digital) says the collaborative approach will support University-wide involvement and ownership which will be critical to our ability to implement, adopt and transform successfully.
“Student First is committed to undertaking this transformation in close collaboration with the ANU community - students and staff - both professional and academic. It will be all of us collectively working together towards an agreed strategic vision. We will co-design and co-create our transformation,” Maryanne says.
Student First has been progressing with discovery research undertaken with staff and domestic undergraduate students. So far, research has looked at the student experience of domestic undergraduate students as well as the technologies that they use.
Insights from this discovery will be shared with the ANU Community in the upcoming weeks.
For more information on the Student First Program, visit the website or contact the Student First Program Team directly.
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