Fire safety
The Australian National University policy states that all University buildings will have an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) (ie a Fire Warden structure). The policy also requires that all members of an ECO be appropriately trained.
The University offers Emergency Control Organisation Training for ANU wardens. This training is delivered 4 times a year by an external training provider via webinar or in person, training incorporates:
- Fire
- Chemical spills
- Bomb threats
- Suspicious packages
- White powder incidents
- Active shooter awareness
- Failure of building services or building structure
- Medical emergencies
- Warden duties
To book training click Emergency Control Organisation Training Registration button. Click on Training, select View Training Catalogue in the left hand menu and select FSEC01 Emergency Control Organisation.
Any queries regarding training for Emergency Control Organisation Training (FSECO1), Fire Extinguisher Training (ad-hoc), Pulse Module – Warden Questionnaire and Chief Fire Warden List should be emailed to
If you require information on the following please contact as advised
- Evacuation Diagrams: request for diagrams to be updated can be emailed to Fire Safety, the Provider will be in contact with the Building Custodian to arrange a site visit to identify changes. Draft will be sent to Building Custodian to review and comment.
- Emergency Evacuation Exercises (Drills): request for evacuation exercises can be emailed to Fire Safety or Fix My Campus and and the Provider will be in contact to arrange a date and time for the exercise to be conducted.
- ECO Equipment: email Fire Safety with a list of items that are required and GL code for order to be placed.
Chief Warden responsiblities
The Chief Warden, or if absent the Deputy Chief Warden, is expected to respond immediately to an emergency alarm, determine if an emergency should be declared in the building, determine what emergency procedures should be implemented, and bring the ECO promptly into action. The Chief Warden's duty will be to assume control of the occupants of the building:
- from the time an alarm is given,
- through to the arrival of the emergency service, and until emergency service recommendation is given for building re-entry.
The senior officer of the emergency service (e.g. fire brigade, police, bomb squad, etc.) should assume responsibility on arrival. The Chief Warden is also responsible for:
- being available, or organising cover, for all times that the building is normally occupied,
- organising and distributing to all Wardens and to all building occupants relevant information for use in an emergency, including details of
- the fire alarm system
- the emergency warning system
- the emergency procedures,
- organising, with the assistance of the Facilities & Services Division, and installing for prominent display evacuation plans for each floor or zone,
- maintaining and distributing to all building occupants a current list of all Floor Wardens and Deputies (with phone numbers and locations),
- training, or organising the training of, newly-appointed Wardens in ECO operations.
The Deputy Chief Warden shall under-study the Chief Warden and assume the Chief Warden's responsibilities when the Chief Warden is absent from the building. It will be a matter of careful arrangement, for which the Chief Warden is responsible, that both the Chief Warden and the Deputy Chief Warden are not simultaneously absent during normal working hours.
Chief Warden - Roles during an emergency
The Chief Warden, on becoming aware of a potential emergency, shall determine the nature of the emergency and decide on the appropriate action. If an emergency is declared, the Chief Warden shall initiate the emergency procedures which should include the following actions:
- ensure that the appropriate emergency service has been notified,
- ensure that the Floor Wardens are advised of the situation,
- if necessary, initiate evacuation procedure,
- brief emergency service personnel on their arrival and thereafter act on the instructions of the emergency service's senior officer.
The Deputy Chief Warden shall assume the Chief Warden's responsibilities if the Chief Warden is absent, and otherwise assist as required by the Chief Warden.
Relevant documents for Chief, floor and building wardens:
- Building wardens contact list - template (PDF, 84.21KB)
- Chief Warden - change of details form (PDF, 107.79KB)
- Chief Warden checklist (PDF, 72.44KB)
- Facility evacuation report (PDF, 83.81KB)
- QE90 EWIS procedure (immediate evacuation) (PDF, 632KB)
- QE90 EWIS procedure (investigate first) (PDF, 642.28KB)
Floor Wardens responsiblities
Floor Wardens should be appointed for each floor or zone of a building, to control the emergency procedures for their floor, generally as directed by the Chief Warden.
However, Floor Wardens have the authority to evacuate their floor or zone if they consider there is any danger to personnel in that zone.
Floor Wardens must be familiar with:
- the operation of the fire alarm system, the emergency warning system and any other equipment used to assist in the operation of emergency procedures for the building,,
- the floor or zone they represent, including
- all means of egress and alternative escape routes,
- the existence and positions of rooms leading off blind passages, doors leading to dead-ends and any other confined areas in which persons could be located,
- potentially hazardous materials or operations undertaken in their zone,
- the location and operation of fire doors, smoke doors, fire blankets, portable fire extinguishers and fire hoses on their floor or zone,
- the number and location of mobility-impaired persons on their floor or zone.
It is important that the Floor Warden or a Deputy Floor Warden be available for each floor or zone during periods of normal occupancy.
Wardens should be appointed to assist each Floor Warden on the basis of at least one Warden for each twenty persons employed on the floor or zone.
Floor Warden - Roles during an emergency
A Floor Warden, on becoming aware of an emergency, should implement the emergency procedures for their floor which should include the following actions:
- if the circumstances on their floor warrant it, order the evacuation of the occupants of their floor,
- communicate with the Chief Warden and act on his or her instructions,
- direct wardens to check the floor for any abnormal situation,
- advise the Chief Warden as soon as possible of the circumstances on their floor and of the action taken.
A Deputy Floor Warden shall assume the Floor Warden's responsibilities if the Floor Warden is absent, and otherwise assist as required by the Floor Warden.
In the event of an emergency, Wardens may be required to carry out a number of activities, including the following:
- check to ensure fire doors and smoke doors are properly closed,
- search floor to ensure all persons are accounted for,
- ensure orderly movement of occupants,
- assist mobility-impaired persons,
- act as leaders of groups during building evacuation,
- operate first attack fire-fighting equipment (portable fire extinguishers, hose reels, and fire blankets).
Procedure in case of fire
All staff should follow these directions when confronted by a fire:
- If safe to do so ensure the immediate safety of, and alert anyone within the vicinity of the fire.
- Raise the alarm if not already sounding, using a break glass alarm panel or by shouting 'Fire, Fire, Fire' if a panel is not available. The alarm system automatically notifies the Fire Brigade and Security.
- Ring
- ACT Fire Brigade 000 Give your name, address, building, level, room number, type and extent of the fire / smoke.
- Second call is to phone ANU Security 52249.
- Obey all instructions from Wardens.
- Evacuate the immediate area and go to emergency congregation area.
If a fire has been discovered the Building Chief Warden must:
- Evacuate the area in alarm immediately (if this is not already underway).
- Commence evacuation of entire building.
- Meet the Emergency Service on their arrival and inform them of the situation, type of incident (if known), status of the building and the location of any impaired or other persons requiring assistance.
If no fire is found, the Building Chief Warden must:
- After liaising with the emergency service notify all occupants of the building that it is a false alarm; and
- Meet the Emergency Service on their arrival and inform them of the situation, type of incident (if known), status of the building and the location of any impaired or other persons requiring assistance
You should leave the building on the sounding of the evacuation tone or if told to do so by a member of the Warden Team, ANU Security or a Fire Brigade Officer. You should go to the building emergency congregation area as indicated on the emergency procedures diagram located in the building.
Alarm sounds
Some University buildings are equipped with emergency warning sound systems. On hearing the alert alarm "beep beep", immediately prepare to leave the building - secure confidential materials and valuables, collect immediate personal belongings, shut appliances, equipment and machinery.
If the evacuation alarm "whoop whoop" sounds continuously, or if instructed to do so by a Warden, leave the building by the nearest and safest exit route. Close all doors behind you (do not lock) as the ACT Fire Brigade may require access.
Small fires
If it is safe to do so and you are accompanied by a colleague you may use an extinguisher to fight a small fire. A small fire is considered to be less than 1m in size.
If a small fire has already been put out inside a building you must:
- Dial 000 and ask for the Fire Brigade to attend
- Telephone ANU Security, 6125 2249 then press button 1 for emergency priority
- Contact your supervisor and the building's Chief Warden
If a small fire has already been put out outside on the grounds of the campus you must:
- Telephone ANU Security, 6125 2249 then press button 1 for emergency priority
- Contact your supervisor and the nearest building's Chief Warden
Regulations & legislation
The Australian National University is subject to the following fire regulations and legislation:
- Building Code of Australia
- Australian Capital Territory Fire Brigades Act
- Australian Standards
- ANU Policies and Procedures
Copies of these documents can be obtained by contacting the Fire Safety.
Reference documents
- Emergency response procedures (RACE) (PDF, 97.61 KB)
- Personal emergency evacuation plan for disabled occupants and visitors (PDF, 50.77 KB)
- Emergency door release instructions (PDF, 22.06 KB)
- Fire blanket instructions (PDF, 91.72 KB)
- Portable fire extinguisher guide (PDF, 82.31 KB)
- Problems with smoke detectors (PDF, 143.21 KB)
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
- Fire Safety
- Send email
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