Parking infringements and penalties
Parking restrictions apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unless stated otherwise. Permit, Pay As You Go, Pay&Display (ticket) and time limited zones are in force from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, public holidays excepted.
Parking Infringement Notices are issued by the Australian National University for parking on campus in contravention of the Australian National University (Parking and Traffic) Statute 2019, the ACT Road Transport (Road Rules) Regulation 2017 and the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.
Common Infringement Notices
1. No valid permit
vPermit and CellOPark (Pay As You Go) are considered to be a type of permit. vPermit and CellOPark (Pay As You Go) are not valid if the correct vehicle is not set as active or the registration number of the vehicle is incorrect at the time of the offence. If a driver does not set the correct active vehicle when parking on campus, their permit is not valid and they may receive an infringement notice.
2. Stop at side of road with continuous yellow edge line
Yellow edge lines are an international symbol for No Stopping and No Parking – no signs are required to be displayed in conjunction with yellow edge lines. Infringement notices issued for this offence are only able to be withdrawn in the case of a medical emergency or vehicle breakdown – provision of supporting documents e.g. a copy of a hospital record, police report, doctor’s certificate or repair invoice must be submitted with an application to have the notice withdrawn.
For more information about infringements at the university please refer to the Parking Infringements Guide.
Infringement Notice
After receiving an infringement notice, you are given 28 days from the service date to do one of the following:
1. Pay an infringement
Online payment is available through ePayments.
In Person
Drop in to ANU Parking Office and meet one of our friendly customer service staff. We are located on the ANU campus – Level 1, Fulton Muir Building (#95), Daley Road, ACTON ACT 2601. We accept credit card, cheque and cash. Don’t forget to bring your parking infringement details with you at time of payment.
If you prefer please call ANU Parking Office on (02) 6125 0179 and speak to one of our friendly customer service staff who will assist you in making a credit card payment over the telephone.
We accept payment by post using cheque or money order.
2. Request an extension of time
You may apply for an extension of time to do one of the following:
- Pay the infringement notice penalty
- Submit an infringement Notice Declaration
- Apply for withdrawal of an infringement notice
- Dispute liability of the infringement notice.
To apply for an extension of time please complete the relevant e-form.
When completing this eForm you will be requested to provide the following information:
- the infringement number;
- the registration number of the vehicle; and
- information to support reasons for payment extension request.
On receipt of a request for an Extension of Time, the infringement notice is placed on hold and incurs no extra charges until after a decision is made regarding the application outcome.
If a request for an extension of time to pay is granted, the infringement remains on hold until the revised due date for payment.
If the extension of time is denied, ten (10) days (from the date of outcome email) is given to allow payment of the amount owing on the infringement notice.
The maximum extension of time to pay an infringement notice is 180 days. It should be noted requests for extensions of 180 days to pay are only granted in cases of extreme financial hardship.
Please note, legislation prevents the university from offering a payment plan.
3. Apply for withdrawal of an Infringement Notice
A withdrawal application can be made when you are accepting liability for the offence, but believe you have a special circumstances that caused you to incur the infringement notice. You must state your grounds in writing and provide sufficient evidence to support your claims.
Grounds | Evidence Required |
Good parking record | A statutory declaration submitted via the Parking Infringement Application eForm, stating that you have not incurred any parking related offences in the past five (5) years. N.B. The ANU Parking and Infringement Management System will be used to confirm this information. |
Emergency medical situation or similar event | A copy of hospital record, police report or confirmation letter by a registered health practitioner detailing the situation or similar report, submitted via the Parking Infringement Application eForm. |
Vehicle breakdown or mechanical issues | Evidence from roadside assistance, towing service, detailed mechanical report or similar documentation You may be required to complete a statutory declaration, submitted via the Parking Infringement Application eForm, certified by a JP detailing the situation and any document/s which provide evidence in support of your request |
Valid parking permit or ticket | Please provide confirmation of one of the following:
If the permit holder was your passenger, you must also provide a statutory declaration from the permit holder confirming that they were a passenger at the time of the offence. |
*a vPermit and CellOPark parking session are only valid if the correct vehicle is set as active at the time of the offence and the vPermit and parking session are current at the time of the offence.
If you are applying for withdrawal based on one of these grounds, and you can supply the evidence required, you can apply to withdraw an infringement notice by completing the relevant eForm. Staff and students should use this eForm while all external visitors to campus should use this eForm.
*A prior good behaviour record applies when the applicant has in the previous 5 year period been generally of good behaviour, for example, no infringement notices issued under the road transport legislation and no warnings issued in relation to offences under the road transport legislation.
If your application for withdrawal is unsuccessful the matter may be referred to the ACT Magistrates Court for adjudication.
4. Dispute liability of an Infringement Notice
An application to dispute liability of an infringement notice is made when you believe that you did not commit an offence or that you are not liable for the offence. All applications are assessed in accordance with the Road Transport (General) Withdrawal of Infringement Notices Guidelines 2019. N.B. Where an infringement notice cannot be withdrawn under these guidelines, the matter may be referred to the ACT Magistrate Court for determination.
When completing your application you must state your grounds for dispute and it is recommended that you provide any evidence that may support your claims.
Grounds | Evidence Required |
Machine malfunction | Receipt number given to the infringement holder when the faulty machine is reported |
Inadequate signs | Any documents or photos supporting your claim |
Permission to park | Document from the Parking Office confirming permission to park |
Service emergency | Any documents or photos supporting your claim (i.e copy of ANU work order or ANU Security report) |
Error contained in the infringement notice | Any documents or photos supporting your claim |
Wrong registration | Registration number on the infringement notice and registration papers confirming registration number |
Others | Any documents or photos supporting your claim |
If you are disputing liability based on one of these grounds, and you can supply the evidence required, complete the relevant eForm. Staff and students should use this eForm while all external visitors to campus should use this eForm.
If your application disputing liability of an infringement notice is unsuccessful the matter may be referred to the ACT Magistrates Court for adjudication.
5. Apply for a waiver of an Infringement Notice Penalty
Waiver of an infringement notice penalty may be granted in extreme circumstances. All applications are assessed in accordance with the Road Transport (General) Waiver of Infringement Notices Penalties Guidelines 2019. To apply for a waiver, you need to set out in writing your financial and other relevant circumstances confirming your inability to pay the penalty due to financial hardship. If you require more information please email
If your application for waiver of an infringement notice is unsuccessful the matter may be referred to the ACT Magistrates Court for adjudication.
Please use an eForm to request an extension of time, apply for withdrawal or dispute liability. Staff and students should use this eForm while all external visitors to campus should use this eForm.
If you are not the person responsible for the infringement notice, you are required to complete an infringement notice declaration notifying the University of the person responsible. A template of the declaration is listed under Reference documents on this page.
6. Submit Infringement Notice Declaration
An infringement notice declaration is used to describe the circumstances in which you are not the responsible person for an infringement.
An infringement notice declaration must be printed, completed and signed in the presence of a person authorised under the Statutory Declaration Act 1959 (Commonwealth).
Use the Known User infringement notice declaration when you know the details of who the responsible person was at the time of the infringement.
Use the Sold vehicle Infringement notice declaration when you know the details of the person who you sold the vehicle to.
Use the Illegal User infringement notice declaration when the vehicle was stolen at the time of the infringement, or when you know the details of who the responsible person was at the time of the infringement and they were not authorised to use the vehicle.
Use the Unknown user infringement notice declaration declaration when you don't know the details of who the responsible person was at the time of the infringement.
Only original copies of declarations can be accepted. You can submit your completed declaration by post to or in person at:
Parking Office, Level 1, Fulton Muir Building (#95), Daley Road, ACTON ACT 2601
7. How is my application assessed?
Applications made in regard to parking infringement notices are assessed under guidelines provided in ACT Road Transport legislation. Guidelines used are:
- Road Transport (General) Withdrawal of Infringement Notices Guidelines 2019 (No. 1)
- Road Transport (General) Extension of Time Guidelines 2019 (No. 1)
- Road Transport (General) Waiver of Infringement Notice Penalties Guidelines 2019 (No. 1)
Exceptions and modifications to these Guidelines are included in the Australian National University (Parking and Traffic) Statute 2019.
It should be noted any reference to the year e.g. 2019 and version e.g. (No. 1) will change when the legislation and guidelines are updated.
Reminder Notice
If none of the above actions are taken by the due date for payment of the infringement notice nor any extension of time granted, a request* is sent to the relevant State/Territory authority to determine the registered owner of the vehicle and the registered owner will be served a reminder notice with an additional fee applied.
*The Privacy Act allows the University to request this information in respect of matters of law enforcement, namely parking infringements.
Court Proceedings
If no action is taken by the due date of the reminder notice, the University may refer the matter to the ACT Magistrates Court. In the event this occurs the person responsible for the infringement is liable to pay the designated authority the sum of the prescribed penalty for the infringement, the administrative charge and the disbursements incurred by the designated authority, including any fee paid on the lodgement of a summons. If the Court rules in favour of the University, the infringement will attract a criminal conviction.
Infringement Notice Penalties
Code | Infringement | Penalty |
216 | Parking continously for longer than permitted | $137.00 |
211 | Not parking wholly within parking bay | $137.00 |
212 | Use more parking bays than necessary | $137.00 |
206 | Park so as to obstruct vehicles/pedestrians | $137.00 |
201 | Stop in permit parking zone (no valid permit) | $137.00 |
238 | Park after ticket expired | $137.00 |
239 | Park without current/equivalent ticket | $137.00 |
205 | Stopping on a path/nature strip or land that is not a road | $137.00 |
207 | Not parallel park in direction of travel | $137.00 |
200 | Not park at specified angle | $137.00 |
214 | Disobey No Parking sign | $137.00 |
221 | Disobey motorbike parking sign | $137.00 |
236 | Disobey bicycle parking sign | $137.00 |
233 | Stop in a shared zone | $137.00 |
244 | Stop on a painted island | $137.00 |
227 | Interfere with parking permit | $137.00 |
223 | Rider not wearing bicycle helmet/fitted/fastened | $162.00 |
222 | Disobey no bicycle sign | $162.00 |
224 | Ride bicycle without visible front white light | $162.00 |
225 | Ride bicycle without visible rear red light | $162.00 |
226 | Ride bicycle without visible red reflector | $162.00 |
237 | Person on personal mobility device not wearing helmet | $162.00 |
208 | Stop in loading zone longer than 30 minutes | $185.00 |
209 | Stop in loading zone (not loading or unloading) | $185.00 |
210 | Stop in loading zone longer than indicated | $185.00 |
203 | Stop in a bus zone | $185.00 |
232 | Stop in a bicycle lane | $260.00 |
219 | Stop at side of road with continuous yellow edge line | $308.00 |
215 | Disobey No Stopping sign | $308.00 |
220 | Stop on area marked with Keep Clear markings | $308.00 |
234 | Drive contrary to direction of traffic lane arrow | $326.00 |
235 | Disobey one way sign | $326.00 |
213 | Disobey no entry sign | $326.00 |
202 | Stop on/near pedestrian crossing | $466.00 |
229 | Display changed/damaged/defaced parking ticket | $640.00 |
228 | Display thing falsely resembling parking ticket | $640.00 |
204 | Parked in a parking area for disabled | $640.00 |
230 | Interfere with ticket machine | $700.00 |
248 | Stop in a taxi zone | $137.00 |
249 | Stop in electric vehicle charging zone, not charging | $137.00 |
288 | Drive on a path | $326.00 |
Infringement penalties are set out in the Road Transport (Offences) Regulation 2005 (ACT) currently in force.
Reference documents
- ANU Parking Infringement Guide (PDF, 2.49 MB)
- Illegal User Infringement Notice Declaration (PDF, 190.58 KB)
- Know User Infringement Notice Declaration (PDF, 195.93 KB)
- Sold Vehicle Infringement Notice Declaration (PDF, 194.87 KB)
- Unknown User Infringment Notice Declaration (PDF, 190.88 KB)
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Related links
- Infringement eForm Staff and students
- Infringement eForm External campus visitors
- Statutory declaration for good parking record
- ACT Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999
- ACT Road Transport (Road Rules) Regulation 2017
- ACT Road Transport (General) Waiver of Infringement Notice Penalties Guidelines 2019 (No. 1)
- ACT Road Transport (General) Withdrawal of Infringement Notices Guidelines 2019 (No. 1)
- ACT Road Transport (General) Extension of Time Guidelines 2019 (No. 1)
- Australian National University (Parking and Traffic) Statute 2019
- Parking
- + 61 2 6125 0179
- Send email
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