The Fund code

The University splits activity in the first instance across a number of funds. The fund code is used to identify the funding source for a particular activity. Generally speaking, the fund value can be used with any department although there are some operational guidelines that control this. The University's fund values are as follows:


C Funds

Capital Works (C Funds) record activity relating to major capital works projects for building infrastructure.

Activity relating to capital purchases (more than AUD 10,000 in value) that supports activities in the R, S and Q funds. Capital purchases funded by other funds (e.g T) are to be recorded in those respective funds.


D Funds

D fund is used to record activity relating to philanthropic gifts that are intended to be disestablished once all monies are expended or conversion to a perpetual fund occurs.

For all enquiries concerning gifts, donations and bequests contact ANU Advancement. They can be contacted at


E Funds

E fund is used to record activity relating to philanthropic gifts that are established to support an activity or activities in perpetuity. 

For all enquiries concerning gifts, donations and bequests contact ANU Advancement. They can be contacted at


F Funds

Student Fees (F Funds) record activity relating to full fee paying income, including International Student Fees (ISF) and Domestic Tuition Fees (DTF) for post graduate students. Gross revenues are coded to this fund.

*This fund is not expected to be used by the wider University as it is only used to record activity by Central Finance.


Q Funds

Historically Q Funds have recorded activity relating to:

  • research where there is no specific reporting requirements and the University does not have to return unspent funds;
  • consultancy activity;
  • Investment-related initiatives that are strategic to the University, College or Portfolio including individual academic research accounts.

From January 2023, a new fund has been established to record externally-funded contractual projects (research and non-research) without an obligation to return any unspent funds on cessation of the project.

Other than the change to activity relating to externally-funded contractual projects described above, other activity will continue to be recorded in the Q fund.



R Funds

To record recurrent activity funded by the University's main income from tuition fees and the Department of Education, including the National Institutes Grant (NIG) and Research Block Grant (RBG). The term recurrent indicates this funding source is ongoing in nature and occurs every year, and as such, R fund financial activity represents a large portion of the University's teaching and research operations.


S Funds

To record activity funded from research grants that are managed under a specific research contract with and without explicit reporting requirements and deliverables. The funds are held contractually by ANU. ANU will be obligated to return any unspent funds at the completion of the contract. Australian Research Council (ARC) and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grants, a significant source of research grant income for ANU, are managed against this fund type.


T Funds

Trading Areas (T-Funds) record activity for commercial operations of the University such as university accommodation including halls and colleges, parking operations, and University House.


W Funds

Commencing January 2023, externally-funded contractual projects (research and non-research) without an obligation to return any unspent funds on cessation of the project will be recorded in the W fund. Existing projects that were set up in the Q fund will continue in the Q fund until activity is completed.