Organisation structure

ES Financials - organisation structure tree

ES Financials uses 'trees' to represent the reporting structure of ANU.

There are a number of trees, used for a number of different reporting purposes.

There are a number of other trees and queries should be directed to the F&BS Financial Systems Team. For instructions on how to view tree structures in ES Financials, please refer to Using the Tree Viewer.

The organisation structure

The University's formal academic organisational structure consists of the Institute of Advanced Studies, the Faculties and University Schools and Centres, with support for the core functions of the University being provided by Service Divisions. ANU has implemented a college-based structure to better align the interests and collaborations across academic units. The seven ANU colleges are:

  • ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences;
  • ANU College of Law;
  • ANU College of Health and Medicine;
  • ANU College of Asia and the Pacific;
  • ANU College of Science;
  • ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science; and
  • ANU College of Business and Economics.

ANU also encompasses trading / commercial areas including Halls of Residence and Accommodation Services.

Academic organisational unit (AOU)

AOU codes represent the University's formal structure, broken down by academic activity. AOU codes are generally used to collate various pieces of information for statistical reporting for submissions to  government organisations; they are rarely used for financial reporting. However, an AOU reporting tree is maintained in ES Financials so financial information can be extracted by AOU if required. The AOU tree basically takes the department ranges illustrated in the organisational tree and regroups them around the AOU code.

The AOU code is often considered to be the common link between the core Enterprise Systems including ES Financials, Student Administration System and HR Management System, along with the University's research management system. That said, the method of recording the code within each system varies.

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