Accounts payable FAQs

Accounts Payable invoice processing



1.What do the different workflow users do as part of the accounts payable process?

Step One (FSS Initial Coding and Descriptions) At this point the FSS team will add the natural account code ledger and description, as well as the GL code if this known this will be added. The Business Contact (Invoice contact) will be selected if known.

Step Two (Business Contact) This step is to validate that it is OK to pay and confirm goods/services have been received. Set the 'Scan OK' field to OK - Goods/Services Received. Other options such as 'Hold', 'Dispute' etc. can be used to identify an issue with the invoice. Adding comments is advised when these are selected.

Attach any supporting documentation not already attached. Ensure that the Financial Delegate has been selected, a mandatory field at this stage. If the Business Contact is also the Financial Delegate then selecting this field before approving this step will result in Step 3 being auto approved. The business contact should check/confirm details added in previous steps are correct and update where necessary.

Step Three (Financial Delegate) Review the scanned invoice and update any missing details as appropriate. Determine if it can be approved under their delegation, and approve.

Step Four(FSS FinalReview) Review to ensure all details are correct including the remittance advice messaging, before payment is made.

Once the above steps have been completed, the invoice will be paid in accordance with payment terms.

2.Who do I contact if I have a question about my submitted reimbursement request?

If you have already submitted your claim for reimbursement to and have not yet been paid you may contact the FSS Customer Service team (extension 54777) who can check the status of the payment or where it is in the workflow. Please ensure you have the details of when it was submitted.

3.Who do I contact if I have a question about travel payments?

If this relates to the payment component for your approved trip contact the FSS Customer Service team on extension 54777; otherwise your local area.

4.Who do I contact if I have a question about accounts payable?

You may find the information you are searching for on the accounts payable information on the Transactional services page. If you cannot find what you are looking for or need to speak to someone contact the FSS Customer Service team on extension 54777.

5.Who do I contact if I have a question about an unpaid invoice from the ANU to a vendor?

Contact the FSS Customer Service team with the relevant invoice details on extension 54777.

6.Do I need to send hardcopy documents to get a payment made?

No, scanned copies can be forwarded to Please do not also send the hardcopy.

7.How do I get an advance?

Please refer to advances page. Use the advance request, have it approved by your delegate and submit to FSS. Alternately where the advance relates to travel it should form part of your online travel request.

8.How should I submit a supplier invoice for payment?

Soft copies in Microsoft Word or PDF should be emailed directly by suppliers to These must conform to the requirements of the ATO and be legible to the recipient. There should only be one attachment per email.


Vendors master file


9.How do I setup or modify a vendor record?

FSS will create or update an existing vendor file, when an invoice enters the accounts payable workflow that identifies this change. The vendor record change will occur prior to a payment being made. If you need a new vendor setup to raise a purchase order or require a vendor's details updated, you can submit vendor create or  amend form or email a copy of the suppliers documentation. This could be a quotation or vendor letter to

Please note bank account changes must be initiated from the supplier. For more information on vendor setup or modification please read the related procedure.




10.How do I find out about the current payment runs?

For information on the current payment runs please see view the payment runs page.

11.I need an urgent voucher or payment run

An urgent payment run will only occur in exceptional circumstances. Please refer to payment runs page.Where your payment is urgent contact the FSS Customer Service Team Leader (on extension 54777) to arrange urgent voucher or payment run.

12.When will an invoice be paid?

FSS aims to pay all suppliers in line with contracted payment terms. Where there are no contractual agreements, the ANU's default payment terms are 30 days. To ensure timely processing of invoices, suppliers should ensure their business contact at the University is listed on the invoice and send the invoice directly to There is no need for suppliers to send a separate copy of the invoice to their business contact as this will be managed by FSS. 
