Raising an Invoice


ANU raises invoices for the sale of goods and services to outside bodies. The authority to enter contracts and agreements to sell goods and services is governed by ANU Delegations.

Financial Shared Services (FSS) will raise invoices, on behalf of ANU Colleges or Service Divisions, upon receiving a completed Request for Invoice form.   Invoices will not be raised unless the Request for Invoice form has been submitted.    Where a recurring invoice is required on a periodic basis an agreement may be reached, between the College or Service Division and FSS, to submit the request in a different format.  

Completion of Request for Invoice form:

The following information is mandatory.   Where a Request for Invoice form does not include the following information, the request will be returned to the requestor for completion.

  • Customer Name
  • Customer Address
  • Charge Code
  • Invoice Line Item Details
  • Amount $ (excl GST)
    • If a foreign currency is not identified on the form then, it will be invoiced in Australian dollars
  • Total $ (if GST is payable, then include in this total)
  • Name of Requestor
  • Uni ID (of Requestor)

Send completed form to Financial.Shared.Services@anu.edu.au

Supporting documents which verify there is an agreement for the customer to pay the charge, and provide a basis for the calculation, should be included with this form. Some examples are:

  • Relevant pages of the contract
  • Email correspondence between institutions
  • Purchase order

Please ensure that instructions are clear and noted on the Instructions section of Request for Invoice form, where required,   instructions may include details re the following:

  • Advise if attachments are to be sent with the invoice
  • If the invoice is to be cc’d to the requester

The invoice will be automatically dispatched to the customer by the Financial Shared Services.   Note: The invoice can be sent to a maximum of two email addresses.

If the invoice relates to eligible research income for Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC):

It is important that the information provided to generate an invoice is accurate, as this will minimise errors and delays in receiving payment.   The Accounts Receivable team will update ARIES with the invoice number against the milestone. If there is no milestone in ARIES at the time of raising the invoice it is the responsibility of the area to update ARIES.

Related guidance
