66. Classification and salary structure
Varied salary and staff structures
66.1. The parties acknowledge that revised classification and remuneration models will more appropriately recognise and reward the contributions staff make to the excellence of the University.
66.2. The parties agree to jointly develop and consult with staff on further proposals. The parties may undertake a research project, which could include evaluation of the arrangements outlined below. New arrangements will be implemented in the next collective agreement entered into by the parties on the basis that any proposed revised system(s) will be an improvement on current systems and will have the support of staff and the parties; and that no existing staff member will be disadvantaged through the implementation of any revised system.
66.3. In the interim the parties agree to cooperate on the introduction of the following initiatives as initial steps towards enhancing the way that staff are rewarded:
- improve the leadership/management skills of supervisors/managers through the introduction new training programs; and
- encourage active participation of all staff in the career and performance development process under clause 46 (Career and performance development)
Minimum Standards for Academic Levels (MSAL’s)
66.4. The classification structure for academic staff is set out in Schedule 4 (Minimum Standards for Academic Levels). The Minimum Standards for Academic Levels (MSALs) in the Schedule provide guidelines for the nature and level of duties to be undertaken by a staff member.
Professional staff position classification standards
66.5. The classification structure for professional staff is set out in Schedule 5 (Professional staff position classification standards). All appointments of professional staff, other than those appointed to senior management positions, apprenticeships, traineeships, technical trainee officer positions or the University’s Graduate Recruitment and Development Program will be made in accordance with the ANU Officer and Senior Manager classification standards. Where the staff member is of the view that the University’s requirements and responsibilities of a position are no longer in accordance with these classification standards the staff member has the right to seek reclassification of their position. Classification of professional staff positions
66.6. All professional staff positions will be classified in accordance with the ANU Officer or Senior Manager classification levels as set out in Schedule 5 of this Agreement. Positions will be classified at the level which most accurately reflects the work performed by the staff member as required by the University, taking into account the skills and responsibilities required to perform that work. Determination of the classification of professional staff positions shall be in accordance with the relevant primary and secondary descriptors. The minimum salary entitlement of professional staff, and certain other employment conditions as set out in this Agreement, will be determined by the classification of the staff member`s position.
66.7. The classification will be of the position and not the staff member, except where
- the staff member is performing work on an ongoing basis which is at a higher classification (work value) than is comprehended by the staff member`s current position, and that that work is known by and accepted by the University, and that this work does not constitute the ongoing requirements of the position occupied by the current staff member; and/or
- the staff member`s position description is accurate in describing the work performed by the staff member, and its relevant context, but that the incumbent brings particular skill, attributes or capabilities to the performance of that work, or the way that work is performed, which mean that the work is being performed at a higher level of work value than is comprehended by the position’s classification level.
66.8. In the circumstances outlined in clauses 66.7(a) and (b), the staff member can request an occupant only classification at a higher classification level than the assessed level of their position while occupying the role. The application requires the approval of the Director – Human Resources.
66.9. Each position will have a position description that accurately describes the duties, reporting lines and responsibilities of the position and this will be used as part of the documentation to determine the appropriate classification of a position, except that a casual position need not have a formal position description. The position description is required to be signed by the immediate supervisor and the position incumbent to indicate that the position description accurately describes the duties, reporting lines and responsibilities of the position.
66.10. The University shall ensure that classification actions are taken in a timely manner and without delay. Where a decision is made to change a classification, that change will have effect from a date no later than the date on which a staff member applied for a review of their classification.
66.11. If an application for a review of classification is not approved by the University the staff member will receive written notification of that decision, and the reasons for the decision. The staff member may appeal against this decision on the grounds that the classification descriptors had not been correctly applied and this was sufficient to alter the outcome of the assessment.
66.12. The appeal must be made in writing to the Director – Human Resources within ten working days from the date of receiving written notification that the original application was not approved. The appellant must provide written reasons for the appeal and any relevant evidence/documentation to support the grounds for appeal.
66.13. The Director – Human Resources will review the matter and either accept the case or refer all valid appeals to a Classifications Review Panel. The Panel will determine the matter on the basis of written submissions and will meet to review the written submissions if warranted. The panel may dismiss the application, resubmit it for reconsideration to the relevant staffing committee or approve the request in full or in part.
66.14. The Classifications Review Panel will be comprised of two University representatives nominated by the Director – Human Resources and two staff representatives nominated by the NTEU. The parties shall ensure that the review will be completed in a timely manner and without undue delay.
66.15. Within ten days of the Classification Review Panel’s decision, the staff member will be notified in writing of the outcome of the appeal, and the reasons for the decision.
ANU EA 2017-2021
University commitments
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