Developing selection criteria
Selection criteria are used to assess and articulate the core capabilities required to successfully fulfil the responsibilities and duties of the position. It is on the basis of these selection criteria that a committee determine a candidates' suitability for the role.
The selection criteria should reflect the specific position requirements and responsibilities and relate to the qualifications, skills, abilities and experience required to successfully perform the responsibilities and duties of the position.
When writing selection criteria, consider the following:
- provide a logical and consistent link between the selection criteria, the position description and the advertisement
- don't have too many - large quantities of criteria will put candidates off applying
- avoid repetition or overlapping criteria - check whether you are asking for the same thing twice
- keep the criteria realistic and ensure that they are measurable
- include observable and specific behaviours rather than personal qualities which are more difficult to measure
- ensure they are consistent with the classification descriptors in the current ANU Enterprise Agreement
- decide whether minimum qualifications are essential, as many skills and abilities can be acquired without formal education (list educational qualifications not considered essential as desirable)
- select the adjectives describing attributes with care, for example 'some knowledge in', 'demonstrated ability' or 'extensive experience'
- ensure they are free from direct and indirect discrimination
- avoid using terminology or jargon which maybe unfamiliar to candidates from outside the University sector
- do not use gender-specific language
- ensure they are written in simple, clear language.
When developing selection criteria you may wish to refer to the selection criteria check-list and the examples of selection criteria under Reference documents.
Meeting the selection criteria
While it is desirable that successful applicants meet all of the selection criteria, it is not mandatory for this to occur for an applicant to be rated appointable. An applicant may not meet one of the selection criteria in one area, but more than compensates with strengths in others and, accordingly, will still be able to make a significant contribution. Such an applicant might then be rated appointable.
Reference documents
- Selection criteria check-list (PDF, 63.74 KB)
- Examples of selection criteria (PDF, 92.57 KB)
- Selection criteria for academics (PDF, 87.17 KB)
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