The induction process
- To improve the induction process for new staff at the University, an induction checklist has been added to HORUS to provide a trackable method for supervisors, staff, and the Human Resources Division to ensure induction has occurred.
To view the steps in the process, visit the Induction Checklist in HORUS webpage
It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to ensure that each new staff member is provided with an induction. A supervisor may provide all of the information him or herself, or may have other key people in the College/Area assist with this. However the mode in which induction is delivered to the new staff member, the supervisor must monitor and ensure it has been provided.
What is an induction?
Induction is a structured and supportive method of introducing a new staff member to the organisation.
It should communicate the University's strategic directions, policies and procedures to new staff and include an introduction to their role and their immediate work area. It is also a means by which information and resources are provided to new staff in a timely manner.
Induction at ANU should provide the new staff member with:
- a thorough explanation of their role and responsibilities (referring to their position description)
- an understanding of their supervisor's expectations (using the Supporting our Staff framework)
- an understanding of where their job fits into their immediate work area, their Division/College and the University more broadly
- an explanation of the probation process
- attendance at relevant ANU orientation and induction programs and events
- access to ANU online Induction module
- work health and safety information (including identification of any OHS training required for the role)
- information on workplace reasonable adjustments that can be provided for an injury, illness or disability
- an introduction to key colleagues in the work area
- an introduction to colleagues who can provide support and advice (ie administrative staff, HR staff, mentor)
- an appreciation of the University's expectations with respect to professional behaviour
- guidance on where to find ANU policies.
Why provide an induction?
Commencing a new job can be a daunting process. There are new people to meet, new systems and policies to understand, and a job to perform. The transition to the new workplace is made easier and more effective for both the individual and ANU if there is an effective induction process in place.
ANU is a large and complex organisation. Even if a new staff member has come from another University, all workplaces are different, and roles across universities differ greatly. All new staff need, and deserve to be introduced to their new job, their workplace and the University, in a structured and supportive manner.
Good induction processes contribute to: staff retention, reduced costs associated with staff turnover, job satisfaction and productivity.
The Induction guide for supervisors (see Reference documents) provides a time frame for the completion of various stages of induction.
Reference documents
- Induction Booklet April 2023 (PDF, 1.63 MB)
- HR Induction Checklist Academic (DOCX, 2.75 MB)
- HR Induction Checklist Professional (DOCX, 2.74 MB)
- HR Remote Onboarding Information Guide (PDF, 314.67 KB)
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