ERMS Folder Framework
The purpose of the ERMS Folder Framework is to provide a standardised approach to folder and record titling in the ERMS. The list of terms for functions and activities is based on the ANU Business Classification Scheme (PDF, 267.82 KB).
Selecting the right place in the folder structure makes sure the records are retained for the authorised period of time as the folder structure is linked to disposal authorities. The main disposal authorities that cover ANU are Administrative Functions Disposal Authority and an ANU-specific authority for Student, Research, and Teaching and Learning files (PDF, 3.45 MB).
Under each activity, formats are given for folder titles and record titles. If the suggested format does not fit the folder being created, check that the folder is being created under the correct function and activity. Additional advice is provided within the framework for commonly created records such as committee records and project documentation.
This folder framework should be used in conjunction with the ERMS Naming Conventions (PDF, 521.04KB) and ERMS Folder Creation and Titling Conventions (PDF, 399.89 KB).
First level function terms
Assets and Facilities
Acquiring, constructing, managing, maintaining and disposing of buildings, vehicles, stores and equipment, including land, instruments, tools, machines, plant, furniture and furnishings, chemicals, hardware, homeware items, kitchen and cleaning items, medical supplies, stationery and artworks
Second level business activity terms
Acquisition and Procurement | Buying or getting use of property, goods and services. Includes: receiving and assessing tenders. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of warranty or guarantee> <equipment category> <title of tender> <year commenced> | |
Record titles | |
<name of warranty or guarantee> <date warranty or guarantee ends> <asset number><equipment category> | |
Agreements and Contracts | The establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of contracts and agreements with vendors or other agencies to provide equipment, goods and services. |
Folder titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <type of agreement> Agreements and contracts titling (PDF, 92.86 KB) | |
Record titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <date signed> <content description> <type of agreement> <procurement number> nounderline"> | |
Artworks | The acquisition, by purchase or donation, and management of artworks. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of artwork collection> <year acquired or donated> <name of artwork> <name of artist> <year acquired or donated> <asset number> <name of exhibition> <date> | |
Record titles | |
<artwork name> <document type> | |
Audit | Official inspections to examine facilities, equipment and items to ensure compliance with standards, and checking records to ensure they have been kept in accordance with standards and record the business of the University. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject of audit> <date> | |
Bookings | The use made of facilities, vehicles, equipment and space. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject of audit> <date> | |
Building | The planning, construction, acquisition, management, fitout and disposal of property. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<campus> <building number> <building name> <building action i.e. planning, construction, acquisition, management, fit out, installation or repairs> | |
Disposal and Transfer | Assigning equipment to employees or organisational units and disposing of property no longer required by the University. |
Folder titles | |
<subject of disposal or transfer> <year> | |
Equipment | Installation, configuration, maintenance and relocation of equipment. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of equipment> <year> | |
Hazards | Identification of risks relating to hazardous materials, implementation of procedures to treat risks, examination of facilities to ensure compliance with standards, and maintenance of buildings involving hazardous materials. |
Folder titles | |
<name of hazard> <year> | |
Infrastructure | Planning, management and maintenance of development and construction projects. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<campus> <building number> <building name> <infrastructure type: electrical, mechanical, roads, sewerage or water> | |
Installation | Placing equipment in position, connecting and adjusting it for use. |
Folder titles | |
<campus> <building number> <building name> <name of equipment> | |
Insurance | Taking out insurance premiums, administering payments from insurance policy as compensation for damage to or destruction of property. |
Folder titles | |
<name of insurer> <name of policy> <year or year- year> | |
Inventory | Examination, counting, listing and valuing of items and assets in the possession of the University. |
Folder titles | |
<subject of inventory> | |
Land | Management of the physical attributes of University lands. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<geographic area> <subject> | |
Leasing and Licensing | Leasing of items, equipment, accommodation, premises or real estate to or from another organisation. |
Folder titles | |
<subject of lease or licence> | |
Lost Property | Collection and management of property lost by staff or members of the public on University premises. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Maintenance | Routine upkeep of buildings. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<campus> <building number> <building name> <type of maintenance> | |
Motor Vehicles | Acquisition, management, maintenance, repair and disposal of vehicles. |
Folder titles | |
<identification of vehicle (i.e. registration number)> <subject (e.g. electric vehicle purchases)> | |
Parking and Transport | Activities associated with parking arrangements and driving and traffic infringements. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> For building projects <campus> <building number> <building name> <name of project> <project type: feasibility, planning, construction, fit out, refurbishment, installation, upgrade, replacement or demolition> | |
Record titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> Committees and records (PDF, 98.1 KB) | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> | |
Relocation | Relocation of a University business unit, workgroup or individual. |
Folder titles | |
<subject of relocation> | |
Security | The activities associated with measures taken to protect people, premises, equipment or information from accidental or intentional damage or from unauthorised access. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Space management | Management of working spaces within buildings. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> |
Community Relations
The function of establishing rapport with the community and raising and maintaining the University's broad public profile, including the University's relationship with local, national and overseas governments, liaison with bodies carrying out investigations such as Royal Commissions, internal University relationships and with professional bodies, industry and the tertiary education sector, and the management of customer services.
Second level business activity terms
Accidents | Dealing with mishaps causing injury or damage to the general public or visitors whilst on the University's premises. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Alumni | Providing services to, and maintaining lifelong relationships with, alumni of the University. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Brand Management | Development and management of corporate style and identity including design, format and style guides for University publications, documents, stationery and objects. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Donations, Bequests and Endowments | Management of money, items, artefacts or property donated to the University. |
Folder titles | |
<name of donor> <bequest or endowment description> <year> | |
Events | Arrangements for events including ceremonies, conferences, exhibitions, visits and social functions. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<title of event> <date> | |
External Relations | Maintenance of contact between the University and other organisations and sectors, providing or receiving advice or submissions, handling queries and public reaction to policies or services, and appointing representatives. |
Folder titles | |
<subject e.g. name of inquiry or organisation> | |
Fundraising | Activities to encourage the receipt of money from the wider community. |
Folder titles | |
<fundraising program name> <name of sponsor> <subject> | |
Market Research | The activities involved in qualitative and quantitative research used as market intelligence for the development and evaluation of products, services, and markets. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Marketing | The process of analysing, creating and selling products and services. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> <name of visitor program committee> <year> <name of volunteer program> <year> | |
Record Titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> Committees and records (PDF, 98.1 KB) | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guidelines> | |
Public Relations | Managing information about the University to develop public understanding. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Student Recruitment | Planning, marketing, publicity and events designed to recruit new students to the University. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> <year> |
Financial Management
The function of managing the University's financial resources, including establishing, operating, and maintaining accounting systems, controls and procedures, financial planning, framing budgets and submissions, and managing funds in the form of allocations and revenue from charging, trading and investments.
Second level business activity terms
Accounting - Transactional | Recording financial transactions showing receipts and payments. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Agreements and Contracts | The establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of contracts and agreements with vendors or other agencies to provide equipment, goods and services. |
Folder titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <type of agreement> | |
Record Titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <date signed> <content description> <type of agreement> <procurement number> | |
Audit (Financial) | Official checking of financial records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards and correctly record the events, processes and business of the University in a specified period. |
Folder titles | |
<name of audit> <year> | |
Budgeting | Planning the use of expected income and expenditure over a specified period. |
Folder titles | |
<budget type (e.g. annual)> <organisational unit> <year or date> <budget type> <subject> | |
Fees and Charges | Determination and monitoring of fees or charges incurred for the provision and supply of the University's goods or services. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Fraud | Disclosure of fraud, and strategies for the prevention of fraud. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> <subject of investigation> <name of program> | |
Funds management and investments | Management of University funds in an efficient and economical manner by ensuring an effective system of internal control is in operation. |
Folder titles | |
<name of fund> <name of portfolio> <subject> | |
| |
Insurance | Administrating and managing payments demanded in accordance with an insurance policy as compensation for injury, death, or denial of rights of a person, or damage to or destruction of property. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Management Accounting | Summarising and analysing information on financial transactions and subsequently on the financial position and operating results of the University. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> | |
Record Titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> | |
Taxation | Managing taxation matters, including assessment of Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) and assessment and payment of Goods and Services Tax (GST). |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> <year> | |
Vendor Management | Accreditation of suppliers and maintenance of catalogues and product lists from vendors of assets and equipment of potential utility to the University. |
Folder titles | |
<name of supplier> |
The function of applying broad systematic management planning for the University, including activities involved with the development, monitoring and reviewing of business and strategic plans and other long-term organisational strategies, development of corporate objectives, continuous improvement processes, risk management strategies, quality assurance and certification, assignment of delegations, and the formulation and amendment of legislation.
Second level business activity terms
Audit | Official checking of quality assurance and operational records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with standards and correctly record the events, processes and business of the organisation in a specified period. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject of audit> <date> | |
Committees | Management of committees. |
| |
Folder titles | |
Governance level committee Level 3 Contribution Folder title: <organisation unit> < committee meeting name> Governance level committee Level 4 Contribution Folder title: YYYY-MM-DD <committee meeting name> <meeting number > - <YYYY> | |
Record Titles | |
Committee Meeting Document Title: YYYY-MM-DD <committee meeting name> < document name> <meeting number> - <YYYY> | |
Delegations | Managing delegations of power to authorise an action on behalf of the University. |
Folder titles | |
<delegation number> <subject> <subject> | |
Elections | Managing nominations, appointments and resignations of individuals appointed by the University or their co-workers. |
Folder titles | |
<name of position> <subject> | |
Legislation | The process of making and amending laws. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Liaison | Maintenance of contact between the University and other organisations and sectors, providing or receiving advice or submissions, and handling queries and public reaction to policies or services. |
Folder titles | |
<subject e.g. name of inquiry or organisation> <subject> | |
Organisational structure | Establishing and changing of the organisational structure to meet University goals. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> | |
Record Titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> | |
Quality Assurance | Administering the University's compliance with quality standards applicable to the tertiary education sector. |
Folder titles | |
<name of standard> <year> | |
Risk Management | Identification of risks, likelihood, consequences of those risks, and implementation of appropriate practice and procedures to treat the risks. |
Folder titles | |
<risk type> <subject> | |
Subsidiaries and Associated Entities | Establishment, registration, maintenance and winding-up of University-owned registered companies or subsidiaries as corporate legal entities. |
Folder titles | |
<name of company or subsidiary> <subject> |
Human Resources
Management of all employees of the University and volunteer workers, including employment conditions, staff development, compensation to personnel injured at work, implementation of work health and safety legislation, change management, and industrial relations.
Second level business activity terms
Agreements and Contracts | The establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of contracts and agreements with vendors or other agencies to provide equipment, goods and services. |
Folder titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <type of agreement> Agreements and contracts titling (PDF, 92.86 KB) | |
Record Titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <date signed> <content description> <type of agreement> <procurement number> Agreements and contracts titling (PDF, 92.86 KB) | |
Change Management | Re-assessment of the activities, goals and structure of the University. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of work area> restructure <name of work area> review | |
Equity and Diversity | Development and implementation of University-wide policies, plans and initiatives about equity of employment. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of program or plan or project> <year (if required)> | |
Grievances and Complaints | Handling and resolution of grievances. |
| |
Folder titles | |
Dispute notification <name/s> Review of decision <name/s> Grievance <name/s> | |
Record Titles | |
<U2468101> <surname>, <first name> - Grievance <U7654321> <surname>, <first name> <U1234567> <surname>, <first name> - <college or division or portfolio> - <name of document/ content> - <YYYY-MM DD> | |
Industrial Relations | Employee negotiations for increased pay or benefits. |
| |
Folder titles | |
Enterprise Agreement negotiations <term of agreement> <name of organisation> <subject> | |
Performance | Identification, evaluation and development of corporate and employee work performance so that the University's goals and objectives are achieved. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of award> <year only if required> <subject> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> | |
Record Titles | |
Committee Meeting Document Title: YYYY-MM-DD <committee or meeting name> <name of document e.g. meeting agenda> | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> | |
Recruitment | Recruiting of professional and academic staff. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<position title> <work area> <classification> <reference number> <subject e.g. exemptions requests> | |
Record Titles | |
<position title> <position location> <position ANU level> <division or college> <reference number> <position number> | |
Remuneration and salaries | Management of payment of salaries to personnel. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Staff file | Staff files detailing employment histories. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<University identification number> (auto created by ERMS) Note: if not auto created file to be created manually Level 4 Folder <University identification number> Confidential Level 4 Folder <University identification number> workers compensation or <University identification number> compensation claim <claim number> | |
Record Titles | |
<U1234567> <surname>, <first name> - <college or division or portfolio> - <name of document> - <YYYY-MM-DD> | |
Superannuation | Management of employee superannuation deductions and University superannuation contributions. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Systems and Processes | Development, implementation and monitoring of Human Resources systems and processes within the University. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Training and Development | Activities relating to internal and external training available to staff. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of course or session> Work Health and Safety <name of course> <year> <name of scheme or fund > | |
Travel | Arrangements for a journey or trip (both low and high risk) and relocating business units, workgroups or individuals. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Visitors and Honorary Appointments Files | Visitors and Honorary Appointments files detailing ANU association histories. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<University identification number> (auto created by ERMS) Note: if not auto created file to be created manually Level 4 Folder <University identification number> Confidential | |
Record titles | |
<U1234567> <surname>, <first name> - <college or division or portfolio> - <name of document> - <YYYY-MM-DD> | |
Welfare | Management of University programs which encourage the establishment and maintenance of a healthy work environment. |
| |
Folder titles | |
Work Health and Safety <subject> | |
Workers Compensation | Management of insurance premiums to cover loss or damage to staff against injury or death resulting from incidents on University premises or whilst engaged in employment. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of insurer> <year> |
Information Management
Management of the University's information resources including the production of publications.
Second level business activity terms
Audit | Official checking of records to ensure they have been kept and maintained in accordance with agreed or legislated standards and correctly record the events, processes and business of the University. |
Folder titles | |
<subject of audit> <date> | |
Cases | Records documenting requests for public access to records under the FOI Act, the Privacy Act, and the Archives Act. |
Folder titles | |
<subject or name> <date> | |
Control | Activities associated with creating and maintaining control mechanisms. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Disposal | Transferring of records into storage, destruction of records, and sale and distribution of publications. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Donations | Management of publications and papers donated to the University. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> <year> <donor> <type of collection> | |
Intellectual Property | Management of the University's intellectual property and the use of material held by the University in which another party owns the intellectual property rights. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Library Management | Acquisition, control and disposal of library material and the provision of services to internal and external customers. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of service > <name of vendor> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> <name of visitor program committee> <year> <name of volunteer program> <year> | |
Record Titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> <volunteer surname, given name> | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> | |
Privacy | Activities associated with applying the principles of privacy. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Publications | Drafting and producing hard-copy publications and audiovisual products. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of publication > <name of vendor> | |
Security | Protection of information from accidental or intentional damage or from unauthorised access. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Websites | Development, modification and maintenance of websites in the domain. |
Folder titles | |
<title of webpages> <subject> <subject> |
Legal Services
Provision of legal services to the University, including advice to the University, drawing up of legal agreements and handling of legal actions and disputes.
Second level business activity terms
Advice | Offering of opinions by or to the University as to an action or judgement. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> <date> | |
Agreements and Contracts | Establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of agreements and contracts. |
Folder titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <type of agreement> | |
Record Titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <date signed> <content description> <type of agreement> <procurement number> | |
Disputes | Management of disputes between the University and other parties. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<other party> <subject of dispute> <case number> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> | |
Record Titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> |
Research and Technology Transfer
Creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications for practical and commercial purposes.
Second level business activity terms
Consultancies | Consultancy projects for external clients undertaken by the University. |
Folder titles | |
<name of project> | |
Ethics and Conduct | Monitoring of the University's adherence to research ethics guidelines and codes of practice. |
Folder titles | |
<name of committee> <subject> | |
External Reviews | Review carried out by external organisations of the University's products, processes, procedures, standards and systems. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject of review> | |
Intellectual Property Management | Management of the University's intellectual property both published and unpublished. Includes the use of material held by the University in which another party owns the intellectual property rights. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> <name of visitor program committee> <year> <name of volunteer program> <year> | |
Record Titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> | |
Post-award | Management of the University's research projects including joint ventures. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of non-monetary head agreement> <name of monetary project> <name of internal scheme> | |
Pre-award | Applications by the University to funding bodies for research or development grants. |
Folder titles | |
<name of internal scheme> <name of international funding body> <country> | |
Research Activities | Activities associated with research projects. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Research Collections | Management of collections within the University gathered for research purposes. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of collection> <subject> | |
Research Prizes and Esteem | Activities concerning awards to staff for outstanding achievements or endeavours in research. |
Folder titles | |
<name of awarding body> | |
Technology Transfer | Transfer of the University's technological intellectual property through licensing or franchising. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> |
Recruitment, admission and assessment of students to University academic programs, Including student services and management of student performance.
Second level business activity terms
Academic Conduct and Performance | Management of student performance. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of committee> <subject> <date> | |
Accommodation | Establishment and provision of student residential accommodation and associated services. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Admissions | Management of activities associated with the admission of student for a course of study to the University. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Appeals and Complaints | Handling and resolution of student grievances and related appeals. |
| |
Folder titles | |
See student file | |
Awards | Awarding and administration of prizes and medals to students for outstanding achievement. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of prize or medal> <name of prize or medal committee> | |
Examination and Assessment | Conducting and coordinating assessment and progress of students. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Fees and Charges | Determination, assessment, notification of liabilities and reporting of student tuition fees. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<type of fee, e.g. international student, services and amenities, domestic tuition> | |
Financial Assistance | Provision of financial assistance to students. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of provider> | |
Graduations | Conferring and administering of degrees to students. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Mobility | Administration of student exchange and study abroad programs. |
Folder titles | |
<name of program> <subject> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> More information <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> <name of visitor program committee> <year> <name of volunteer program> <year> | |
Record Titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> | |
Program Management | Management of student programs of the University. |
Folder titles | |
<name of program> <subject> | |
Scholarships | Establishment, promotion, selection, awarding and administration of undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships. |
Folder titles | |
<name of scholarship> <year or year-year> <name of sponsor> | |
Student file | Student files detailing admission and enrolment of individual students in University courses and programs. |
Folder titles | |
<identification number> (auto created by ERMS) <identification number> higher degree research examination <identification number> appeal or complaint <identification number> academic conduct and performance | |
Welfare and Counselling | Provision of health care facilities for students. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of welfare or counselling program or facility> <subject> |
Teaching, Learning and Supervision
Formulating and delivering the teaching curriculum and facilitating the learning process.
Second level business activity terms
Academic Awards | Establishment and administration of degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by the University. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of prize or award> <name of sponsor> < name of prize or award > <name of organisational unit> < name of prize or award committee> <subject> | |
Accreditation | Formal approval from relevant accrediting organisations, external professional bodies or government authorities, for offering particular courses of study at the University. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of program> <name of accrediting body> <year> <subject> | |
Assessment | Conducting and coordinating assessment and progress of students. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Grant Funding | Applications by the University to funding bodies for grants. |
Folder titles | |
<name of funding scheme> <name of funding body> | |
Intellectual Property | Management of the University's intellectual property and the use of material held by the University in which another party owns the intellectual property rights. |
Folder titles | |
<subject> | |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<organisational unit> <name of committee or meeting> <year> More information <organisational unit> <type of plan or report> <year> <organisational unit> <name of standard or body> <name of project> <project phase: start-up, planning, execution, closure, post-implementation review, governance or procurement> <name of visitor program committee> <year> <name of volunteer program> <year> | |
Record Titles | |
YYYY-MM-DD <name of committee or plan or project> <document type> | |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of policy or procedure or guideline> | |
Programs and Courses | Development and delivery of courses of study for students enrolled at the University. |
Folder titles | |
<name of course or program> <subject> | |
Teaching Awards | Administration of awards for excellence related to the teaching and learning function. |
Folder titles | |
<name of award> <name of committee> <subject> |
Technology and Telecommunications
Developing or acquiring, testing and implementing applications, systems and databases to support the business needs of the University to capture, store, retrieve, transfer, communicate and disseminate information through automated systems, including the evaluation of software and hardware and the acquisition, tendering, leasing, licensing and disposal of systems, communication network systems such as video conferencing, voice mail and electronic mail and technical aspects of the Internet, Intranet and websites.
Second level business activity terms
Application Development | Development of software and programming codes to run business applications. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of application> | |
Agreements and Contracts | The establishment, maintenance, review and negotiation of contracts and agreements with vendors or other agencies to provide equipment, goods and services. |
Folder titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <type of agreement> Agreements and contracts titling (PDF, 92.86 KB) | |
Record titles | |
<ANU party> <other party> <date signed> <content description> <type of agreement> <procurement number> nounderline"> | |
Artworks | The acquisition, by purchase or donation, and management of artworks. |
| |
Folder titles | |
<name of artwork collection> <year acquired or donated> <name of artwork> <name of artist> <year acquired or donated> <asset number> <name of exhibition> <date> | |
Record titles | |
<artwork name> <document type> | |
Audit | Official inspections to examine equipment, items and processes to ensure compliance with standards, and checking records to ensure they have been kept in accordance with standards and record the business of the University. |
| |
Contracting | The provision of goods and services by an external contractor, vendor or consultant, or by using external bureau services. |
| |
Database Administration | Building, prototyping and testing of databases. |
Includes: management of user rules, passwords, monitoring usage and response times. | |
Disposal and Transfer | Disposal of equipment or assets no longer required by the University. |
Installation |
Leasing | Leasing of items and equipment to or from another organisation. |
Maintenance | Upkeep, repair, servicing, modification and preservation of conditions of equipment. |
Network | Connecting and maintaining networks. |
PABX and Telephony | Installation, configuration and relocation of telecommunications equipment and facilities. |
Planning and Evaluation | Planning how objectives can be achieved, implementing plans, monitoring and evaluating implementation. |
| |
Policy and Procedures | Development and establishment of decisions, directions and precedents which act as a reference for future decision making as the basis from which the University's standard methods of operating are determined. |
| |
Procurement and Acquisition | Buying or getting use of equipment and software. |
Security | Protection of equipment or information from accidental or intentional damage or from unauthorised access. |
Service Desk | Keeping computer systems in effective operation on a daily basis. |
| |
System Administration | Implementation, maintenance and monitoring of technology and telecommunication systems and projects within the University. |
Reference documents
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- University Records
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