Learning Space Support
On this page:
In a life threatening emergency, dial 000, and request Ambulance, Police or Fire
For ANU Security, dial (02) 612 52249
For more information on Learning Space Technology Support, please visit the ANU Learning Space Technology SharePoint site
Priority Support for Teaching
- For urgent assistance when in front of a classroom, dial x54321, option 1
- For any other non-urgent issues that do not relate to in room teaching, select option 2 or log a ticket at https://servicedesk.anu.edu.au
How can I book a room with the equipment I need?
The best option, if it is possible, is to make the room requirements for your course known in the Timetabling data collection process. Then your course activities will be timetabled into rooms that are the right size and have the right equipment. Your College Student Administration Managers are the best contact for this process.
A list of all the bookable rooms detailing the equipment in each is maintained in the IT knowledge based article ANU Teaching Space Delivery Types.
To book any of these rooms:
for a course
- Check when the room may be available at https://timetable.anu.edu.au
- Email Timetabling@anu.edu.au, being sure to include your course code
for an event not directly related to a course
Learning Space Technology Support
The ANU Learning Space Technology Team is focussed on providing reliable, quick and knowledgeable support around the learning space technology in our 330 centrally supported learning and teaching spaces. To achieve this across ANU, we are in the midst of a major upgrade project.
The upgrade project will continue well into 2026 with the main goal of standardising ANU learning space technology and enhancing the functionality and user experience to that of a global standard, if not better.
For information on lecture support, tech support and learning space technology upgrades, please visit the ANU Learning Space Technology SharePoint site
How to use Room Features
Echo 360
Lectures, Lectorials and Seminars will be scheduled to record automatically 5 minutes into the session and stop 5 minutes before the session time ends.
You can start an Ad-hoc recording from the Lectern PC (in Echo enabled spaces) by clicking on the Lecture capture icon on the desktop and accessing the Echo360 recording interface.
Echo livestream can also be started Ad Hoc through Lecture capture
Dual Delivery at ANU
These are teaching spaces referred to as Dual Delivery Basic. It consists of a USB plug-in microphone and USB plug-in webcam.
It also has the standard ANU teaching equipment.
- USB plug-in devices do not feed audio to Echo recordings
- Use lapel mic and handheld mic for audio capture to Echo360 and hearing assistance
Dual Delivery Full Room
These spaces offer integrated microphone and camera. Academics do not have to bring their own. The square ceiling microphone captures audio to Zoom, while the lapel and handheld microphones captures audio for Echo360 (in Echo enabled rooms only), hearing assistance and voice amplification.
Note: Use lapel microphone in additional to the ceiling microphone for Echo audio and hearing assistance.
Document Camera
The Document camera is a display input option in teaching spaces. This replaces any other displays when enabled.
Document camera cannot be used as a share option to Zoom participants in the Dual Delivery basic spaces
Wireless Presenter
This allows you to present your device through the audio visual system wirelessly when connected to the ANU-Secure Wi-Fi.
Using the touch panel located on the lectern, turn the system on, if it is not already, by touching the screen. Once the system has booted up, select “Wireless Presenter” and then select “Send to Screen”.
The wireless presentation system will now display instructions on the preview monitor and main display. And each student POD if “Show Lecture” has been selected on the touch panel located below each POD screen. Follow these instructions on how to wirelessly present your device.
Hearing Augmentation
Most of the centrally supported teaching spaces at the Acton campus have infra red hearing augmentation devices installed. Other rooms have Hearing Loops installed. More information
Lapel and hand-held microphones have 3 general functions in the room
- Voice amplification
- Echo Audio capture (Echo-enabled spaces only)
- Hearing assistance
Note: These microphone do not provide audio into Zoom or Teams on the PC.
Square ceiling microphone (LST upgraded spaces) only provide audio to Zoom. NOT the functionality listed above.
Additional Services
Additional services may include: Whiteboard capture; Blu-ray, DVD or CD player; mobile whiteboard; SMARTBoard; or other special features in a room, e.g. a science demonstration desk.
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