Technology for assessments
Assessments and exams are used to measure study progress and overall academic performance. Formative assessment provides ongoing feedback through the semester, to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work, and to help teachers recognise where students are struggling and address any problem areas. High stakes summative assessment is used to evaluate student learning at the end of semester.
In summative assessment, where there is particular concern to assure adherence to academic integrity, Turnitin and Wattle Quizzes with Proctorio are particularly useful.
Turnitin is a text-matching service that is designed to educate students regarding appropriate citation and referencing techniques. Turnitin is also used to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing academic integrity.
The use of Turnitin for academic staff is outlined in the ANU Student Assessment (Coursework) policy. Please refer to the Assessment Task Submission section for more information on the application of the University approved text-matching software, Turnitin.
Turnitin Feedback Studio provides an interface with functions for academics to efficiently assign grades and provide text- or audio-based feedback for student assignments.
The Wattle Manual contains useful support content for Turnitin:
- Setting up a Rubric;
- Grading Form;
- Audio and written feedback;
- Marking using QuickMarks.
Please go to Turnitin Wattle Manual pages to access these resources.
Wattle Quizzes for assessment
Wattle Quizzes are a great way to provide formative assessment for students to gauge for themselves how they are progressing, and for academics to identify issues where students may need extra assistance. They can also be used for summative assessment, which can count towards final grades. Wattle quizzes have many settings, options and question types to suit these different purposes.
The Wattle Manual contains extensive support content for Wattle Quizzes, including:
- 17 Question types;
- Create quizzes;
- Add random questions;
- Organise your quiz;
- Review and mark;
- Wattle quiz for exams.
Please go to Quizzes Wattle Manual pages to access this resource.
Proctorio for online proctored assessment
Proctorio uses the Google Chrome web browser to monitor exam takers for any behaviour that may indicate an academic integrity breach. It allows the lecturers to set controls on individual exams such as ID verification options, browser limitations, recording options and user behaviour settings. It will flag behaviour based on the chosen settings; these flags can be reviewed in the Proctorio Gradebook.
Proctorio recordings are securely stored and only accessed by the academics in the specific course, and, if there are concerns regarding academic misconduct, the responsible College staff member, as outlined in the Privacy Impact Assessment completed by ANU. Proctorio also takes a photo of each student’s ID card, and their face, and these photos are sent to the ANU Exams office for identity verification. The recordings are deleted once course results are finalised.
Please go to Proctorio Guides to access more useful resources.
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