ANU audio visual release form
When using people in audio or visual material, you need to obtain consent through a release form.
The Marketing & Student Recruitment Division has developed a new release form to facilitate this consent.
By signing a release form, an individual agrees that:
- The Australian National University ('the University') may record my image, voice, biographical material or other information about me on photographs, or any other media for audio and visual only reproduction ('the Reproduction').
- The University may use photographic, video, or digital images in which I appear, or in which my voice, biographical material or other information concerning me is used, in publications (including but not limited to brochures, booklets, videotapes, reports, press releases, websites, and exhibits) ('the Publication') for the purposes of education, information, promotion, public relations and fund-raising connected with the University.
- The Publication and/or Reproduction will be edited at the University's sole discretion; the University may incorporate any part of the recording of me in the Publication/Reproduction.
- I will not retain any rights, including copyright, or interest in the Publication/Recording.
- I will receive no payment for the use or recording of my image, voice, biographical material or other information by the University.
- I release and indemnify the University from any loss, damage, cost, expense, or claim arising out of the use of my image, voice, biographical material or other information about me, including action for defamation, libelous material, breach of privacy, or copyright.
Reference documents
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Page Owner: International Strategy & Future Students