ANU Advancement leader awarded prestigious John Lippincott Award
Congratulations to Vice-President (Advancement), Barbara Miles, who has been named the 2020 recipient of the John Lippincott Award for Global Advancement and Support of Education.
The prestigious award honours Barbara’s contributions and leadership to the advancement profession, through her service as an advancement leader at three major research-intensive universities in three different countries: Australia, Canada, and the U.S. Notably, this is the first time the award has been given to someone outside of North America.
“The individuals who received these awards have devoted themselves to advancing education to transform lives and society,” said Sue Cunningham, President and CEO of CASE. “They have demonstrated their commitment to education in unique and special ways, and they share a deep commitment to making a difference through their impactful support of education. CASE is proud to recognize our Distinguished Service Award recipients for their tireless efforts.”
Upon hearing the announcement, Jeffrey Todd, President and CEO of the University of New Mexico Foundation, said, “Barbara’s most important contribution is that she has had a significant impact at each of the universities where she has served or is serving. She has been instrumental in helping these institutions reach heights and realise aspirations that otherwise would not have been possible.”
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