Financial Planning – new salaries and operating expenses module coming
On 9 September, a new Salaries and Operating Expenses module will be released as part of the TM1 system. This work is stage 2 of the ANU Financial Planning Model project (stage 1 delivered the University level Recurrent Income Allocation modelling within the TM1 tool).
Training in the new Salaries and Operating Expenses module will be available for all TM1 users from across Colleges and Service Divisions from 1-8 September. Follow on drop in sessions will be available for staff who need dedicated assistance on complex budgeting scenarios or who were away during the training period.
On 9 September, TM1 users will be emailed with a notification that the system is now available and to check their access. If there are any issues, contact BSO for assistance.
Some of the new functionality includes:
- transfer employees across funds and GLC's
- create new roles while backfilling the old position
- enter casuals as a lump sum amount and retro calculate the on costs
- allow the selection of specific on costs to meet grant condition's
- ability to enter one off adjustment payments in a selected period
- job changing - create a new base salary to be selected if you know a promotion is coming.
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