Policy news: Alterations in or about University buildings procedure
During 2014 the ANU Council approved a new Capital Management Plan and approval process. Under this new framework, there is a funding program for major capital works that culminates in an annual recommendation to Council on major developments. Irrespective of estimated cost or funding source, all works proposals are to be developed in consultation with Facilities and Services Division (F&S). The process for assessment of works will differ slightly depending upon the category of capital work proposed to be determined by estimated project cost.
It is intended that all capital works, irrespective of funding source, be developed with the involvement of F&S, and be submitted for assessment.
This requirement is consistent with the Procedure: Alterations in or about University buildings, which applies to all ANU building work regardless of scope or funding sources:
To ensure that appropriate approvals are sought in relation to any proposal to alter the interior or exterior of buildings, the natural environment or surrounding infrastructure of the Australian National University.
Referral of all works projects is required in order to:
- ensure that the University built environment and infrastructure develops in alignment with its key strategies as well as fulfilling the objectives of individual College, Institute or Divisional plans;
- enable equitable and transparent assessment of all proposals against established criteria;
- streamline delivery of prioritised projects; and
- maximise the use of resources and create operational synergies by taking a ‘whole-of-University’ approach to infrastructure planning and development.
It is intended that the inclusion of externally funded works in the assessment process will encourage ANU Colleges, Institutes and Divisions to consult with F&S in the development of funding grant applications with a capital infrastructure component.
Early involvement of F&S expert staff in the development of internal and external infrastructure funding bids can strengthen proposals by demonstrating alignment with broader property/asset management planning objectives and ANU strategic planning goals, and through the provision of robust project cost estimates and ongoing lifecycle maintenance costs for completed facilities.
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