Policy news: External Project funding and agreements policy and procedure
The new policy and procedure External Project Funding and Agreements replace the current Externally-funded grants, consultancies and contracts policy and procedure from 2016, which will be repealed.
The policy is more general than its predecessor, applying to all projects with external funding, or external agreements (i.e. research and non-research). It sets out high-level principles for what types of agreement clauses ANU will not accept for projects, such as restrictions on academic freedom, publication and staffing. It also makes clear that the acceptance of agreements is at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor or their delegate.
It is also reiterated that funding from tobacco and related industries will not be accepted - this was first expressed in an explicit resolution of the ANU Council in 1996.
The procedure applies to all Projects (research or non-research) with the exception of philanthropic gifts, bequests and endowments, non-research student scholarships and procurement activities, and paid outside work.
The procedure sets out approval processes at the point of (i) applying for funding and projects; (ii) accepting funding and agreements; and (iii) management of projects and the application process. This includes setting out more clearly the roles and responsibilities for research participants as well as University leadership.
For further information please contact the Research Services Division.
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