Planning and Performance Framework
The Planning and Performance Framework describes the annual cycle of planning, budgeting, evaluating and reporting for the ANU. It is through this process that the University plans and assesses the goals articulated in the Strategic Plan, and acquits its responsibilities and makes transparent the accountabilities embedded in that plan.
The framework also supports the ANU to adhere to proper processes for governance and management, and ensures it meets its obligations to senior governance bodies, and leadership and management groups.
The annual cycle of the framework is designed to ensure that at all levels - University-wide, Colleges and Portfolios - the University’s strategic objectives are addressed and achieved in a cost-effective and coordinated manner. To do this successfully, university, portfolio and college planning for research, teaching, students, staff, capital works and enabling services must be aligned and reflected in all plans and budgets.
The University’s budget should clearly support the framework and be clear as to when activities will be delivered, by whom and at what cost.
The proposed timeline integrates planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation across:
- student load profile (EFTSL as well as diversity and equity)
- teaching and learning
- research
- engagement
- workforce
- capital investment
- resource allocation
Click image below to enlarge. Full details in ANU Planning and Performance Framework (PDF, 577.16 KB)
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