Raising Concerns

Veterinary advice and assistance

The ANU Veterinary Services team are available to discuss and check any concerns researchers may have. They may be contacted via email (vetservices.ris@anu.edu.au) or by phone:

  • Emergency veterinary assistance (24/7 on call)
    Ph: 6125 1130 (leave message with contact details if on another call)


Reporting animal welfare concerns

Animal welfare concerns may arise when the humane and ethical treatment of animals is not upheld. This may occur in animal holding rooms, production rooms the laboratory or in the field, and may constitute a breach of the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (NHMRC, 2013). 

Anyone concerned about the welfare of animals at the ANU should report their concerns to the ANU Animal Ethics Committee (AEC), via the Research Ethics Office’s Animal Ethics Team: email animal.ethics@anu.edu.au or phone 612 52465 or 612 55310. Membership of the committee includes animal welfare and community representatives.

Urgent matters should be referred to the veterinarian on-call 24/7 on 6125 1130.

Please be assured that concerns raised are taken seriously and will be treated confidentially and sympathetically.


Raising concerns about ethics processes

Please contact one of the following:


Research misconduct

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