OSLO Training Module (WHSO08)

Provider business unit: Injury Management and Claims

Module overview

This PULSE online module and one-on-one follow up session, provides new Occupational Strain Liaison Officers (OSLOs) with practical information regarding workstation set up.

Who should attend

This training is available to all staff who perform the duties of an OSLO.

Key takeaways

At the conclusion of this training all participants will:

  • Be able to facilitate a workstation assessment for colleagues and students in accordance with best practice ergonomic principles.

What the module will cover

Topics addressed will include:

  • An understanding of the principles for safe computer use
  • The latest sit-stand workstation guidelines
  • How to make recommendations on task rotation and work break guidelines
  • Simple stretching exercises to recommend for computer users
  • Practical checklists for use when completing a workstation assessment

When can I enrol

To enrol in OSLO training, please email: injurymanagement@anu.edu.au for access to the PULSE online module and to schedule the follow up one-on-one practical session.


This module is free to ANU staff.


To enrol in OSLO training, please email: injurymanagement@anu.edu.au for access to the PULSE online module and to schedule the follow up one-on-one practical session.

A requirement of the registration process is to discuss and obtain the following from your supervisor:

  • Approval to attend the training program; and
  • Local area charging code.


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