Approval to travel

Staff should discuss travel plans with their supervisor and obtain endorsement to proceed with submitting a travel request. The discussion should have regard to the following:

  • the purpose of the travel is for university-related business activities and/or professional development;
  • the travel is being undertaken in a carbon smart manner (see Section 3.4);
  • the traveller is aware of their responsibilities in relation to travelling on University business (see travel policy and Section 3 of this document);
  • the impact of staff absence on operational or resourcing requirements of the work area and suggestions to mitigate any impact;
  • budget is available for the travel and is proportional to the purpose of the travel; 
  • any risks to safety while travelling;
  • where travel is funded by a research grant, any restrictions and limitations imposed by the funding organisation;
  • any personal leave or private travel to be taken during the business-related travel and any related tax implications.

The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all aspects have been discussed and agreed upon prior to approving a travel request. 
