Hazardous materials
The Australian National University is committed to safe and responsible management of hazardous materials (Hazmat). Buildings across all ANU Campuses are inspected for hazardous materials as required by ANU Hazardous Materials Management Manual and applicable legal and policy requirements, and each building has a register publicly available. The registers can be searched via building number.
The manual establishes how ANU will manage hazardous materials and provide a safe and healthy work environment for its staff, students, contractors and visitors. Any work within the University that may interface with or potentially disturb hazardous materials will be managed in accordance with this manual. This manual covers the most common hazardous materials found, and provides a management plan for the following, namely:
- Lead Paint;
- Synthetic Mineral Fibre (SMF);
- Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PBC);
- Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS)
- Above and Underground Fuel Storage Tank (A/UST); and
- Asbestos Containing Material (ACM).
In addition to day-to-day maintenance works, a HAZMAT Program that includes reinspecting certain buildings is currently underway. Further to this, capital works projects at all campuses also includes the removal of hazardous materials as a first stage of demolition.
Note: Where a building or a built environment element was constructed after 31 December 2003, an asbestos register does not need to be prepared, kept or maintained. To assist other hazardous materials to be managed appropriately, a hazardous material register maybe present for these buildings and other built environment elements.
What can you do
If you suspect you have found a hazardous materials notify the Facilities and Services Building Operations Team on 6125 4000-1. The team will attend site and determine an appropriate course of action. Afterhours please contact ANU Security on 6125 2249.
Please refer to WEG for further guidance.
Reference documents
- Hazardous Materials Management Manual (PDF, 863.56 KB)
- Guidelines for Windows with Asbestos Containing Putty (PDF, 286.7 KB)
- Asbestos Containing Material Labelling Guideline (PDF, 998.06 KB)
- Lead Paint Removal Guidance Document (PDF, 240.88 KB)
- Emergency Procedure for Asbestos (PDF, 215.64 KB)
- New Hazardous Report & Register Process (PDF, 395.5 KB)
- Existing Hazardous Report & Register Updating (PDF, 467.96 KB)
- Guidelines for Hazardous Materials Risk Assessment (PDF, 394.6 KB)
- Hazardous Material Identification and Removal (PDF, 318.89 KB)
- Simplified Hazardous Materials Work Process (PDF, 78.59 KB)
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Related guidance
- Hazardous materials
- 61 2 6125 4000-4
- Send email
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