Tree database
In 2008 a new tree management system was developed.
The Tree Database includes over 10,500 trees, each with detailed information including:
- Genus and species
- Common name
- Dimensions
- Age
- Health and structure
- Significance
- Useful life expectancy
- Work required and works priority
Habitat trees are recorded as well as other observations that are noticed when trees are inspected.
A detailed risk score is also recorded and updated each time a tree is inspected. The risk method used is a modified version of the Matheny and Clarke (1994) risk assessment which uses five parameters to derive a risk score. The evaluation of these factors in combination allows a hazard rating to be derived for each tree. The database also contains a risk register for any high risk trees that need to be inspected more regularly.
Each tree also has a photo and detailed inspections with additional photos and work records that show what maintenance has been done. The database also keeps record of previous tree information so there is a history of changes to tree attributes.
The tree database is accessible via the Intranet in a restricted form. All tree information apart from work records, inspections and future work can be accessed.
Tree management
The type and range of information that the survey is capable of producing facilitates the process of inspecting and scheduling tree surgery operations. The survey can produce images via the search page of all or part of the site with a variety of tree data from a vast selection of fields such as individual species, significance, tree health or what work is required.
Having a detailed record including a history of events such as disturbance from construction work or previous branch failures etc. assists in future management decisions.
Printed extracts from the tree survey are used to specify tree maintenance work to tree surgery contractors and/or staff. These plans identify individual trees and describe the specific nature of the work required. On completion these records are entered into the database and detailed reports of work for different time periods can be produced. Information from the database is not only used to prioritise and schedule work but is also used to forecast future removals and subsequent new plantings. The data also forms the basis for forecasting future budget needs.
The tree management system is also used extensively to produce preliminary tree reports to guide development layout and impact assessment reports required for development approval.
The toolbar above the map or the navigator on top right of screen can be used to zoom in to a particular area.
Once zoomed in you can turn the raster map (satellite photograph) off via the legend and select a tree by first clicking select from top toolbar and then dragging the cursor arrow over the tree.
Once selected the tree will be highlighted and then you can select tree report from top tool bar which will then display the current tree attributes.
When zoomed in on a particular area you can also show tree information for all trees shown on map by selecting different map layers via the legend. For example you can view tree species, health, significance or new plantings. It is not advisable to have too many layers turned on at once as the map gets too busy. The more zoomed in you are the more layers you can show. Please note that the tree ring is actually based on the trees crown radius but not all tree crown radius info has been recorded yet.
From the search page (top left corner of top toolbar) you can search information from any of the fields. For example you can select a certain species from the list. Scroll down to Eucalyptus melliodora and then hit search at the bottom of the page, this will generate a list of all Eucalyptus melliodora on campus.
You can then click on any of the tree id numbers from this list to view individual tree attributes or you can tick the checkbox and zoom to the individual tree location. You can also select check all and then map zoom at the bottom of the page - this will then highlight all E. melliodora on campus.
You can also refine a search by selecting a number of fields. For example you may want to find only high quality, E.melliodora habitat trees. You then select E.melliodora in species field, high in significance field and habitat tree in habitat field and hit search. Please note habitat information is usually recorded in the comments field.
At the search results page you can tick the checkboxes of selected trees zoom down to the bottom of the page and click on excel output, all selected tree information will be converted to an excel spreadsheet.
Please contact if you need any further information.
Related links
- Landscape and Conservation
- +61 2 6125 4000-5
- Send email
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