15. Contract of employment
15.1 Upon engagement, the University will provide each staff member with a contract of employment stipulating the type of appointment being offered and informing the staff member of the terms of engagement.
15.2 The contract of employment must contain information as follows:
for a staff member other than a casual employee:
- the classification level and salary of the staff member on commencement of the employment;
- the hours or the fraction of full time hours to be worked; and
- where the employment includes a probationary period, the length and terms of the probation;
for a fixed term staff member:
- the circumstance(s) referenced in clause 13.2 (Fixed term employment) under which the staff member is employed;
- a statement that the staff member may have a right for conversion to a continuing or continuing (contingent funded) employment and information on eligibility for this entitlement;
for a casual staff member:
- the duties required;
- the number of anticipated hours required;
- the classification level and rate of pay for each duty required;
- a statement that any additional duties required during the term will be paid for at the rate of pay appropriate to the classification level of the additional duties; and
- a statement that they may have a right to conversion to a continuing or contingent (funded) employment and information on eligibility for this entitlement;
- grounds for termination in accordance within the ‘leaving ANU’ section of this Agreement; and
- other main conditions of employment including the identity of the employer, the legal and/or administrative sources from which those conditions arise, the duties and supervisor of the position.
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