30. Allowance provisions

30.1. The University will pay allowances to staff in accordance with this clause and Schedule 4.

30.2. The University will adjust allowances in line with:

    1. the date of effect of salary increases specified in clause 22.3 (Salaries) by the rate of salary increase taking effect on the date of adjustment of the allowance;
    2. annually on the date specified on the table below, at the level of indexation of the University’s operating grants for that year; or
    3. annually on the dates specified on the table below, at the percentage change in the national Consumer Price Index from the previous financial year, as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

    Date of effect with respect to 30.2(b) (the first full pay period on or after) 

    4 July 2024

    3 July 2025

    18 June 2026


    Page Owner: Human Resources