Salary on-costs
2025 Salary on-costs
For this purpose the definition of 'basic salary' includes, most allowances, loadings and bonuses. For other payroll taxable items, see 'Payroll Taxable Items' at end of document.
Casual staff
Description | Rate | Calculated |
Casual Loading | 25% | Basic salary |
Productivity (Superannuation Guarantee) | 12.5% | Basic salary & casual loading |
Workers Compensation | 2% | Basic salary & casual loading |
Payroll Tax (ACT) | 6.85% | Basic salary, casual loading & productivity |
*Super Guarantee to increase to 11% as at 1 July 2023.
Fixed terms staff (less than 12 months)
Description | Rate | Calculated |
Productivity (Superannuation) | 17% | Basic salary |
Workers Compensation | 2% | Basic salary |
Payroll Tax (ACT) | 6.85% | Basic salary & productivity |
Annual Leave Loading | 1.35% | Basic salary. Maximum $1537.70 |
Long Service Leave Levy | 3.5% | Basic salary |
Standard (continuing) staff
Fixed term staff (12 months or more)
Description | Rate | Calculated |
Productivity | 3% | Basic salary |
Superannuation | 14% | Basic salary |
Workers Compensation | 2% | Basic salary |
Payroll Tax (ACT) | 6.85% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments, FBT amounts (grossed-up amount) & some eligible termination payments (ETP) |
Annual Leave Loading | 1.35% | Basic salary Maximum $1537.70 |
Long Service Leave Levy | 3.5% | Basic salary |
Superannuation Guarantee: Your employees no longer need to earn $450 per month to be eligible for super. However, employees who are under 18 still need to work more than 30 hours in a week to be eligible.
Payroll Tax: Staff whose work location is in a different state, refer below for appropriate state payroll tax rates.
State | Payroll tax rate | Payroll taxable items |
ACT | 6.85% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments, FBT amounts (grossed-up amount) & some eligible termination payments (ETP). |
New South Wales | 4.85% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments, FBT amounts (grossed-up amount) & some eligible termination payments (ETP). |
Victoria | 4.85% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments, FBT amounts (grossed-up amount) & eligible termination payments (ETP). |
Queensland | 4.75% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments, FBT amounts (grossed-up amount) & some eligible termination payments (ETP), and redundancy. |
South Australia | 4.95% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments, FBT amounts (grossed-up amount) & some eligible termination payments (ETP), and redundancy. |
Western Australia | 5.50% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments & FBT amounts (grossed-up amount). |
Tasmania | 6.10% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments, FBT amounts (grossed-up amount) & eligible termination payments (ETP). |
Northern Territory | 5.50% | Basic salary, productivity, superannuation, leave payments, FBT amounts (grossed-up amount) & some eligible termination payments (ETP). |
Reference documents
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- +61 2 6125 3346
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