Updating your password on an ANU managed Windows device
System: Identity Manager
Once you have successfully updated your password in Identity, you will need to update it in a number of systems, and on your local device.
Notes before commencing:
- You will need to be connected to GlobalProtect to update your password on your computer (or other Windows device). For more information, please see the Knowledge Article: Connecting, Disconnecting and Reconnecting to GlobalProtect.
- You should wait for 15 minutes after your password has been changed.
Updating your local device password On Campus
- After waiting the 15 minutes, log out of your device.
- Log back into your device.
- You should log in using your Uni ID and new University (Identity) password.
Note: after you have logged back on you may be prompted to update some applications with the new password.
Updating your local device password Off Campus
- Log out of your device.
- Log back into your device.
- You should log in using your Uni ID and new University (Identity) password.
- Log into GlobalProtect, and any other applications as normal. You may be prompted to authenticate your new password in some applications.
Page Owner: Information Technology Services