Lecturer Guide: How to allow late submissions for Turnitin Assignments
System: Turnitin
Lecturer Guide: How to allow late submissions for Turnitin Assignments.
As Turnitin assignment does not allow individual due date extension, if students have submitted before the due date, they are not able to resubmit after the due date, even if they have been granted an extension.
Manual deletion is required to allow resubmission after the due date. Please follow instructions below.
Alternative methods can be found in the Reference Document at the top right block of this page. In this document are instructions which enable the lecturer to change the due date to a later date or to create a second part to the assignment.
Reference documents
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Step 1
How to manually delete submission to allow resubmission
Go to the Turnitin submission inbox.
Step 2
Locate the students assignment and deletes that student submission by clicking on the rubbish bin icon. (A message will appear requesting that you confirm the deletion)
Step 3
Notify the student that the assignment has been deleted and they can now re-submit.
Step 4
The student resubmits and the resubmission automatically appears in the Turnitin inbox. The student can also inform the lecturer after resubmission.
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