Ethical Research Data Management
Good data management is critical for maintaining participants’ confidentiality and privacy. As an ANU researcher, you must handle research data in accordance with the ANU Responsible Conduct of Research and the ANU Privacy Policy. Anyone involved in data collection, data management, storage and access should be trained in how to protect data adequately.
The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research requires that all researchers:
‘Retain clear, accurate, secure and complete records of all research including research data and primary materials, [and] where possible and appropriate, allow access and reference to these by interested parties.’
Furthermore, the guidelines outlined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research outline the best practise for the storage and use of your research data.
Most human research data is personal information, and some research data is sensitive personal information, as defined by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP), thus ANU researchers also need to meet the requirements of the APP and the Privacy Act.
Data Management Plans
It is strongly recommended that researchers develop a Data Management Plan (DMP) before they begin their research project. A DMP details the procedures for the collection, storage, use, re-use, access, retention and destruction of research data. Information on how to create and manage a DMP using the DMPTool service can be found in the ANU Library LibGuide on Research Data Management.
The lifecycle of data is longer than a project’s lifecycle. A DMP must therefore be developed early in the project and updated at key points throughout. The ANU HREC may request that researchers include a formal DMP with their ethics application for high-risk or large-scale projects but it is good research practise to be thinking about this in relation to all risk level applications.
Since 2021, the Australian Research Council (ARC) has required funding applications for National Competitive Grants to have a completed Data Management Plan before a project starts. This is to ensure that researchers are addressing the responsibilities as outlined in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
Reference documents
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Related links
- Enquiries relating to Human Ethics
- +61 2 6125 3427
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