Gender equity news and analysis

Gender equity-related news and analysis from across ANU

Boosting women in mathematics at ANU - ANU Newsroom

2018 Clare Burton Award for Excellence in Equity and Diversity - ANU Newsroom 

Gendered labour roles and rewards in science - Public lecture by Associate Professor Cassidy Sugimoto

ANU Foundation Day Lecture: Gender equality and age discrimination - Experience ANU Podcast 

The mother of all childcare problems: fathers aren't taking parental leave - by Tabitha Carvan, ANU Joint Colleges of Science

ANU archaeologist on much-needed support for carer-researchers - ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Towards true gender equality - by Associate Professor Skye Saunders - ANU Reporter

Paid parental leave scheme changing lives - ANU Newsroom

Challenging the status quo: International Women's Day 2018 - ANU Newsroom

Inspiring girls and women into STEM - by Dr Francesca Maclean - ANU Reporter

Creative arts needs more support for women - by Dr Natalie Williams - ANU Reporter

Gender Institute turns six and working together to improve gender equity - VC's Blog

How to keep more women in STEMM - by Dr Merryn McKinnon - ANU Newsroom (originally published on The Conversation)

Gender neutral policies are a myth: why we need a Women's Budget - by Professor Miranda Stewart - ANU Newsroom (originally published on The Conversation)


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